Strange and Beautiful - Aqualung
Happy Halloween!!! Wish I could say it was. But the only thought I seem to be capable of at the moment is " SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT!!! FUCK! SHIT! SON OF A BITCH!!!! AHHHHHH"
Think I messed up. Which is nothing new, I fuck up all the time. But I may have REALLY fucked up this time. I'm waiting... maybe I didn't. Maybe it'll all be okay. But I can't ignore this sinking feeling, that says it's irreparable. But I wasn't mean to anyone this time. It wasn't me getting mad and blowing up. My temper is fully in check. FUCK.
Lol... I keep like... staring off into space and thinking... and the end of every thought... not even the end because I can't seem to have complete sentence thoughts, ends in swearing. Most of the morning was me muttering to myself "son of a BITCH". Apparently I've moved on to "fuck." but it's more drawn out... more like fuuuuuuuccccckkkkk. UGH. Please please please please please don't let me be right about this. Please say I didn't fuck up horribly. Please please please please please. I'll do anything. Just someone make it okay. I need to be slapped. Seriously. Who does this shit!? God but it was... fuck! Ahhhh!!!!
I gotta go. Have a good day... shit...
So everything is fine. Per usual I was freaking out over nothing. So why am I so depressed now? I didn't want it to go bad... I'm glad it's fine...I feel....defeated though. =(
Honestly, this is mostly just me whining about shit. Lol

Wednesday, October 31, 2012
To me, you're strange and you're beautiful. You'd be so perfect with me, but you just can't see. You turn every head, but you don't see me. I'll put a spell on you. You'll fall asleep, and I'll put a spell on you. And when I wake you, I'll be the first thing you see, and you'll realize that you love me.
Monday, October 29, 2012
Walkin' down this rocky road, wondering where my life is leading, rollin' on to the bitter end. Findin' out along the way what it takes to keep love living, you should know how it feels my friend.
Bad Company - Ready For Love
Soo I don't remember when my last post was, I probably should have looked but I didn't, get over it. lol I guess it's been a while. Simply because I can't remember what the last thing I talked about was, but a lot has happened.
I moved out. I've been in the "new" house for a few days now. My room is all set up... about 95% anyway. Christi, Michael, Rhavyn and I are renting the churches rent house. I can literally walk to work now.. and it takes a lot less than than driving used to haha. Saves me gas too, which lets face it, I'm really going to need lol. But I have my own room, and it's pretty big room too considering I think it's actually supposed to be some sort of sun room.. judging by the 6 freaking windows... and I have a fireplace! Kinda.. lol I'll post pics at the end of this. But I like it. And Puck has more room to run around, and there's always people for him to be around and 2 other cats so he won't be lonely anymore. Although I was gone for a long time today and he hasn't left my side since I got home.. but that could be because I left him alone at moms for two days and he missed me.. and thinks I'm going to abandon him :/ I couldn't take him before Sunday though. The doors were open I didn't want him running off. But I think this will be good.
I don't know if I said before, but I'm planning on starting college in January. I'm waiting for an IRS form to come in from last year to give to the school and financial aid, and then I'll give them the rest of the paper work they need too. This is contingent on house much financial aid I get though. I'm hopeful like most people there'll be some left after I pay for classes and books and I can knock out a few bills for a semester... if not, I can't do the school thing and I'll probably end up getting a 2nd job. Brandi is poor. And since I have MORE bills now.. it's going to be a lot worse. But I think I can handle it... things are just going to be REALLY tight. Something had to be done... so I did it.
I've accomplished a lot this year I think. I've made a few really good moves towards improvement. Don't get me wrong, this year sucked.. it's been really hard. But I'm okay. And it's not often I can say that, but really.. I'm okay. I haven't felt really bad in a while and even the things that would normally send me over the edge are just.. whatever. Example? I went to the DMV today to switch my drivers licence back to my maiden name, and change my address (which cost less than I thought it was going to, woot!) then decided to drive to Cleburne to switch my social security card. I took 171 which is odd because I've only gone that way ONCE in my life. Well I got pulled over in Covington. And got a ticket... in a school zone. I wasn't even speeding the sign had JUST changed to 55... but he insisted it hadn't and I was going 41 in a 35. Dick. I've never gotten a ticket in my life. Not even that time I was doing 70 in a 50. So I'm annoyed, but what can I do right? So I accept it, and continue driving. I kept control. Then I get to Cleburne, to find that the social security office closed at 3:30. It's 4. Now tell me why the fuck a government office would close so early?! Ugh! So I call mom. I'm pissed at this point. I spent about 5 minutes crying to her on the phone, and then I just.. calmed down. and I'm fine. And my mood only improved from there. I got a few groceries, stopped by moms and chatted for a bit, and came home. Oh and I got to moms, and had a letter from Dustin! That always makes me happy. He's doing much better, which is good. I'm happy for him.=)
Sooo I kinda quit smoking. Dunno if I mentioned that before. I switched to this... e cig thing but it's got liquid in it that's flavored. Granted I've been cheating quite a bit lately... I'm in a much better mood, but I'm still pretty stressed out. Lol who wouldn't be? I have twice the bills I had before. Anything goes wrong (like getting a speeding ticket) and I'm fucked. and not in the fun way. lol.
Moms Halloween party was Saturday. It wasn't near as bad as I thought it was going to be. Thanks to people. =D
But seriously, things are pretty good. Stressful, but good. I have this feeling, that everything is going to be okay. Ergo, not worrying about it too much. But there's a boy I kinda like... trying to keep myself in check on that front is never easy so we'll see how that goes. I'm not so good with the go with it and see... I don't possess a lot of patience. I like to just jump into things. But that isn't really an option here. So we shall try and not be full of crazy ^_^. haha. But he seems all kinda shy and it's cute. He's cute. And he was crazy sweet the day I met him. I hope he likes me =/
On another note, yesterday was interesting. I was sick.. but in a weird way. I was FREEZING... I literally could not get warm. Everyone kept saying it was REALLY hot in my room and I just could not get warmed up. And then there was the tired... I was soooo tired. Being out of bed for even a little while made me feel like I was going to pass out.. Other than that I was fine, until about 9 ish...I got up and as soon as I stood up felt sick to my stomach... then I got a headache.. laid back down... and then got back up to puke. Wasn't nice. Then I woke up this morning and was totally fine. What the hell?? Was the weirdest "sick" I've ever been. Oh, and I did have a fever yesterday. I dunno how high... two people felt my head and said I felt hot, but that it was hot in my room... my hands and feet were like ice, and I was cold all over.. there's no way it was just from the heat in my room. Also, my lips are all burny today.. which usually means I've had a fever. A significant one. That's the only time my lips ever do that burning nearly chapped thing is when I've had a fever.
Anyway, things are good. But I'm tired. Later!!!
Oh! Pics of muh room! Lol I've moved a few things since then.. but generally.. here tis
Soo I don't remember when my last post was, I probably should have looked but I didn't, get over it. lol I guess it's been a while. Simply because I can't remember what the last thing I talked about was, but a lot has happened.
I moved out. I've been in the "new" house for a few days now. My room is all set up... about 95% anyway. Christi, Michael, Rhavyn and I are renting the churches rent house. I can literally walk to work now.. and it takes a lot less than than driving used to haha. Saves me gas too, which lets face it, I'm really going to need lol. But I have my own room, and it's pretty big room too considering I think it's actually supposed to be some sort of sun room.. judging by the 6 freaking windows... and I have a fireplace! Kinda.. lol I'll post pics at the end of this. But I like it. And Puck has more room to run around, and there's always people for him to be around and 2 other cats so he won't be lonely anymore. Although I was gone for a long time today and he hasn't left my side since I got home.. but that could be because I left him alone at moms for two days and he missed me.. and thinks I'm going to abandon him :/ I couldn't take him before Sunday though. The doors were open I didn't want him running off. But I think this will be good.
I don't know if I said before, but I'm planning on starting college in January. I'm waiting for an IRS form to come in from last year to give to the school and financial aid, and then I'll give them the rest of the paper work they need too. This is contingent on house much financial aid I get though. I'm hopeful like most people there'll be some left after I pay for classes and books and I can knock out a few bills for a semester... if not, I can't do the school thing and I'll probably end up getting a 2nd job. Brandi is poor. And since I have MORE bills now.. it's going to be a lot worse. But I think I can handle it... things are just going to be REALLY tight. Something had to be done... so I did it.
I've accomplished a lot this year I think. I've made a few really good moves towards improvement. Don't get me wrong, this year sucked.. it's been really hard. But I'm okay. And it's not often I can say that, but really.. I'm okay. I haven't felt really bad in a while and even the things that would normally send me over the edge are just.. whatever. Example? I went to the DMV today to switch my drivers licence back to my maiden name, and change my address (which cost less than I thought it was going to, woot!) then decided to drive to Cleburne to switch my social security card. I took 171 which is odd because I've only gone that way ONCE in my life. Well I got pulled over in Covington. And got a ticket... in a school zone. I wasn't even speeding the sign had JUST changed to 55... but he insisted it hadn't and I was going 41 in a 35. Dick. I've never gotten a ticket in my life. Not even that time I was doing 70 in a 50. So I'm annoyed, but what can I do right? So I accept it, and continue driving. I kept control. Then I get to Cleburne, to find that the social security office closed at 3:30. It's 4. Now tell me why the fuck a government office would close so early?! Ugh! So I call mom. I'm pissed at this point. I spent about 5 minutes crying to her on the phone, and then I just.. calmed down. and I'm fine. And my mood only improved from there. I got a few groceries, stopped by moms and chatted for a bit, and came home. Oh and I got to moms, and had a letter from Dustin! That always makes me happy. He's doing much better, which is good. I'm happy for him.=)
Sooo I kinda quit smoking. Dunno if I mentioned that before. I switched to this... e cig thing but it's got liquid in it that's flavored. Granted I've been cheating quite a bit lately... I'm in a much better mood, but I'm still pretty stressed out. Lol who wouldn't be? I have twice the bills I had before. Anything goes wrong (like getting a speeding ticket) and I'm fucked. and not in the fun way. lol.
Moms Halloween party was Saturday. It wasn't near as bad as I thought it was going to be. Thanks to people. =D
But seriously, things are pretty good. Stressful, but good. I have this feeling, that everything is going to be okay. Ergo, not worrying about it too much. But there's a boy I kinda like... trying to keep myself in check on that front is never easy so we'll see how that goes. I'm not so good with the go with it and see... I don't possess a lot of patience. I like to just jump into things. But that isn't really an option here. So we shall try and not be full of crazy ^_^. haha. But he seems all kinda shy and it's cute. He's cute. And he was crazy sweet the day I met him. I hope he likes me =/
On another note, yesterday was interesting. I was sick.. but in a weird way. I was FREEZING... I literally could not get warm. Everyone kept saying it was REALLY hot in my room and I just could not get warmed up. And then there was the tired... I was soooo tired. Being out of bed for even a little while made me feel like I was going to pass out.. Other than that I was fine, until about 9 ish...I got up and as soon as I stood up felt sick to my stomach... then I got a headache.. laid back down... and then got back up to puke. Wasn't nice. Then I woke up this morning and was totally fine. What the hell?? Was the weirdest "sick" I've ever been. Oh, and I did have a fever yesterday. I dunno how high... two people felt my head and said I felt hot, but that it was hot in my room... my hands and feet were like ice, and I was cold all over.. there's no way it was just from the heat in my room. Also, my lips are all burny today.. which usually means I've had a fever. A significant one. That's the only time my lips ever do that burning nearly chapped thing is when I've had a fever.
Anyway, things are good. But I'm tired. Later!!!
Oh! Pics of muh room! Lol I've moved a few things since then.. but generally.. here tis
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
You push me. I don't have the strength to resist or control you, take me down, take me down. You hurt me, but do I deserve this? You make me so nervous, calm me down, calm me down.
Never Gonna Leave This Bed - Maroon 5
I'd give anything to leave this place. To run, drive, walk, fly... whatever anywhere that isn't here. Somewhere with mountains, and snow. Somewhere I could wander off into no where, and just sit there staring out at mountainous awesomeness in front of me. Where there were no responsibilities, no worry, no care, no pain, no sadness just... scenery, and cool, clean mountain air. Somewhere I wouldn't need anyone to talk to, because my company would be nature. I could be happy there. Puck would have to go too obviously. But he wouldn't be afraid. Like me, he'd just sit and take it all in. Maybe run around and play like he does, but he'd be happy. And when the sun starts to set, he'd climb into my lap and let me pet him, and he'd just purr away... both of us completely serene. I think I'd even be okay with no Internet, or phone, or TV.
I could do it. I could run away. I could go out into nowhere and just live. I wouldn't need money. other than to get there.. surely I could find things to eat and drink. I could figure out how to make shelter. I'd probably at least take a pillow and blanket though haha. And of course Puck, my trusty cat companion. People do it all the time, right? And I would be literally giving everything I have. My social life.. or lack of, rather... everything I own (except pillow and blanket, cat, and maybe some clothes..) Puck doesn't really eat... meat like things though. I wonder if he'd be okay eating birds and what not. He's never had to be a hunter so I'd have to do it for him probably... take a knife or something.... might take some persuading to get him to eat it too. Such a picky cat. How could this not be a tremendous idea? Just go....
The downside, is me being afraid of the dark. And the things IN the dark. Good chance of being mauled by a bear...or Puck being eaten by some wild animal.. or hell even me being eaten by a wild animal. Maybe we'll live in a tree. I bet Puck could live with that. I haven't a clue how to make a tree house or whatever. Hell in most cases I can't even climb trees. Maybe a cave. I bet I could find a good cave to live in. I actually really like that idea. The cave idea. Could even make a door of some sort to keep out unwanted animals so Puck doesn't get eaten.
Then there's the whole.. people would probably be looking for me thing. I imagine I'd get in pretty big trouble if anyone found me.... sooo I'll just not be found. =) I really like this idea. I need to come up with like a solid plan... but it could be good. I could totally be a wilderness person. I've been homeless before. Food might be a tad difficult due to the fact that I've never hunted.. pretty sure I can't kill anything.. and I have no idea what types of vegetation are edible in the wild. But I can learn. Or I'll die. Whatever really.
I'd give anything to leave this place. To run, drive, walk, fly... whatever anywhere that isn't here. Somewhere with mountains, and snow. Somewhere I could wander off into no where, and just sit there staring out at mountainous awesomeness in front of me. Where there were no responsibilities, no worry, no care, no pain, no sadness just... scenery, and cool, clean mountain air. Somewhere I wouldn't need anyone to talk to, because my company would be nature. I could be happy there. Puck would have to go too obviously. But he wouldn't be afraid. Like me, he'd just sit and take it all in. Maybe run around and play like he does, but he'd be happy. And when the sun starts to set, he'd climb into my lap and let me pet him, and he'd just purr away... both of us completely serene. I think I'd even be okay with no Internet, or phone, or TV.
I could do it. I could run away. I could go out into nowhere and just live. I wouldn't need money. other than to get there.. surely I could find things to eat and drink. I could figure out how to make shelter. I'd probably at least take a pillow and blanket though haha. And of course Puck, my trusty cat companion. People do it all the time, right? And I would be literally giving everything I have. My social life.. or lack of, rather... everything I own (except pillow and blanket, cat, and maybe some clothes..) Puck doesn't really eat... meat like things though. I wonder if he'd be okay eating birds and what not. He's never had to be a hunter so I'd have to do it for him probably... take a knife or something.... might take some persuading to get him to eat it too. Such a picky cat. How could this not be a tremendous idea? Just go....
The downside, is me being afraid of the dark. And the things IN the dark. Good chance of being mauled by a bear...or Puck being eaten by some wild animal.. or hell even me being eaten by a wild animal. Maybe we'll live in a tree. I bet Puck could live with that. I haven't a clue how to make a tree house or whatever. Hell in most cases I can't even climb trees. Maybe a cave. I bet I could find a good cave to live in. I actually really like that idea. The cave idea. Could even make a door of some sort to keep out unwanted animals so Puck doesn't get eaten.
Then there's the whole.. people would probably be looking for me thing. I imagine I'd get in pretty big trouble if anyone found me.... sooo I'll just not be found. =) I really like this idea. I need to come up with like a solid plan... but it could be good. I could totally be a wilderness person. I've been homeless before. Food might be a tad difficult due to the fact that I've never hunted.. pretty sure I can't kill anything.. and I have no idea what types of vegetation are edible in the wild. But I can learn. Or I'll die. Whatever really.
Monday, October 15, 2012
And I'll find strength in pain, and I will change my ways I'll know my name as it's called again. Cause I have other things to fill my time. You take what's yours and I'll take what's mine. Now let me at the truth which will refresh my broken mind.
I have a lot to say, and yet nothing at all. Guess I'll start with today...
So it's the 15th, meaning I had court this morning and I'm officially divorced. Officially Brandi Goddard again. Didn't bother me near as much as I expected it to. Weird.
I also quit smoking. Mostly. Not today... but Saturday. I opened a pack Saturday, and I still have most of it. I switched to this smoke juice stuff... it's flavored. I only had one real cigarette today.. and it was disgusting.. kinda made me sick to my stomach even. Plus this smoke juice stuff is going to save me a lot of money, so that's good. I think I like the Butter Rum one the most. It's pretty good.... kinda like... caramel.. but not. Lol I dunno.
So some pretty awful stuff happened. But I can't really talk about it. Saturday night. I feel like I don't really have the right to be upset about it.. because I got myself into it. But it scared the piss out of me.. and I am considerably upset... although not, at the same time. If that makes any sense. I feel like I'm handling it pretty well. As long as I don't really think about it. When I do I feel like I'm gonna breakdown but then my mind shifts to something else and I'm fine. Puck really is an amazing cat. I got home that night, showered and got into bed.. and he was right there... I laid there crying and he like... laid in front of my face and put his paw on me.. purred really loudly and he stayed there until I fell asleep. It was kind of comforting. I love him so much. He really is the best.
Through all that, what I feel the most is... disconnected. That couldn't possibly have actually happened. Maybe it was a nightmare. It probably didn't even last that long but it felt like forever. But most of all, I feel stupid. I'm so mad at myself. I'm too trusting. And I don't even know why, I mean it's not like anyone has ever done anything to gain my trust... except a few friends (girls)... but guys... why am I so quick to trust? Especially with my past... you'd think I'd have this incredible unbreakable wall of... something unbreakable. But I don't... if I have a wall at all it's made of tissue paper. And then there's the confusion. I don't understand. :( ... but it's my fault. It's all my fault because I should have just stayed home. I should just always stay home. I should stop believing anything guys say to me. I'm an idiot.
I'm going to college. Starting in January. Gonna get my financial aid stuff in sometime this week along with my admissions application to Hill. No idea what I'm going to go for though. I was going to do microbiology until I realized how much math was involved and that there was a good chance I'd have to kill/dissect animals...I can't do that. I don't touch dead things, and I can't kill anything. So now I haven't a clue. Maybe just a certificate program, but what? I was looking into ones that were TSI waived, meaning I won't have to retake the math accuplacer, OR do a developmental math class. There are only a few.. but I don't know which to go for. I have time though. She said she can still put me in classes up to a week after they start, so as long as I get my financial aid stuff set up, I'll be fine. It seems so far away. Like it won't really happen. I won't really get there. I'll never get out of this town, and I'll always be poor.
I'm so sad.. and for once, I don't even care that I'm alone. Because I don't really have anything to say. And I think my days of trust are over. From here on out, everything is suspect. Nothing is safe. That's how it should have been all along.
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