Never Gonna Leave This Bed - Maroon 5
I'd give anything to leave this place. To run, drive, walk, fly... whatever anywhere that isn't here. Somewhere with mountains, and snow. Somewhere I could wander off into no where, and just sit there staring out at mountainous awesomeness in front of me. Where there were no responsibilities, no worry, no care, no pain, no sadness just... scenery, and cool, clean mountain air. Somewhere I wouldn't need anyone to talk to, because my company would be nature. I could be happy there. Puck would have to go too obviously. But he wouldn't be afraid. Like me, he'd just sit and take it all in. Maybe run around and play like he does, but he'd be happy. And when the sun starts to set, he'd climb into my lap and let me pet him, and he'd just purr away... both of us completely serene. I think I'd even be okay with no Internet, or phone, or TV.
I could do it. I could run away. I could go out into nowhere and just live. I wouldn't need money. other than to get there.. surely I could find things to eat and drink. I could figure out how to make shelter. I'd probably at least take a pillow and blanket though haha. And of course Puck, my trusty cat companion. People do it all the time, right? And I would be literally giving everything I have. My social life.. or lack of, rather... everything I own (except pillow and blanket, cat, and maybe some clothes..) Puck doesn't really eat... meat like things though. I wonder if he'd be okay eating birds and what not. He's never had to be a hunter so I'd have to do it for him probably... take a knife or something.... might take some persuading to get him to eat it too. Such a picky cat. How could this not be a tremendous idea? Just go....
The downside, is me being afraid of the dark. And the things IN the dark. Good chance of being mauled by a bear...or Puck being eaten by some wild animal.. or hell even me being eaten by a wild animal. Maybe we'll live in a tree. I bet Puck could live with that. I haven't a clue how to make a tree house or whatever. Hell in most cases I can't even climb trees. Maybe a cave. I bet I could find a good cave to live in. I actually really like that idea. The cave idea. Could even make a door of some sort to keep out unwanted animals so Puck doesn't get eaten.
Then there's the whole.. people would probably be looking for me thing. I imagine I'd get in pretty big trouble if anyone found me.... sooo I'll just not be found. =) I really like this idea. I need to come up with like a solid plan... but it could be good. I could totally be a wilderness person. I've been homeless before. Food might be a tad difficult due to the fact that I've never hunted.. pretty sure I can't kill anything.. and I have no idea what types of vegetation are edible in the wild. But I can learn. Or I'll die. Whatever really.
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