Introducing Me - Nick Jonas.
I know I know.. that song is so catchy though haha.
So probably not going to get a Kia Soul. But DriveTime approved me for financing so I'm going to Temple on Tuesday to check it out. See how much they will approve me for and see if I can't get a new to me vehicle. We shall see. I don't really have much to say today, mostly because I don't really seem to give a damn about anything other than the whole car issue thing the last week or so. It's almost like other than the car thing, I'm not real. I don't feel anything else. So! I'm gonna go now! lol bye!
Brandi Evans
Honestly, this is mostly just me whining about shit. Lol

Friday, August 26, 2011
I never trust a dog to watch my food, and I like to use the word "dude" as a noun or an adverb or an adjectrive. And I've never really been into cars, I like really cool guitars and superheroes and checks with lots of zeros on them. I love the sound of violins and making someone smile. If you wanna know here it goes gonna tell you this. The part of me that shows if you're close gonna let you see everything. But remember that you asked for it. I'll try to do my best to impress but it's easier to let you take a guess at the rest but you wanna hear what lives in my brain, my heart, well you asked for it. For your perusing, at times confusing, possibly amusing, introducing me.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
When we built up walls around us, our hardened hearts can't bare. The healing hurt's so badly, that no one seems to care.
That is Undeniable by MXPX. Good times.
Soooo my car is going to die. The engine, and clutch are about to go. Needs an alignment, an oil change, new windshield, and the radiator thingy keeps over heating. My brother in law gave it about another month. Jon gave it two weeks. And that SUCKS.
If the car dies, Jon and I are both screwed. We share that car.. and if neither of us can go anywhere, we both lose our jobs and then we're going to be even worse off than we are. Oh just go get another car is what you're thinking? yeah right. I personally make about 900 dollars a month. Then I have $580 worth of bills, and then $150 rent payment. which leaves me ABOUT 100 bucks a month. Not near enough for another car payment. Also I don't have money for a down payment. I'm screwed.
There has to be a way I can get some help with this. I found a KIA Soul for like $14,000. I was thinking if I could come up with like $10,000 in CASH maybe I could get the car. It's pretty awesome and only has 50,000 miles on it. I don't know, but I'm gonna think of something. I will figure this out somehow. That or you'll be reading awful posts from me in the near future about how nothing ever goes right and blah blah blah. Ugh I'm so whiny all the time... Someone really should just slap me. haha. I wonder if that would even work? Oh well!
Well I have research to do! ttyl!
Soooo my car is going to die. The engine, and clutch are about to go. Needs an alignment, an oil change, new windshield, and the radiator thingy keeps over heating. My brother in law gave it about another month. Jon gave it two weeks. And that SUCKS.
If the car dies, Jon and I are both screwed. We share that car.. and if neither of us can go anywhere, we both lose our jobs and then we're going to be even worse off than we are. Oh just go get another car is what you're thinking? yeah right. I personally make about 900 dollars a month. Then I have $580 worth of bills, and then $150 rent payment. which leaves me ABOUT 100 bucks a month. Not near enough for another car payment. Also I don't have money for a down payment. I'm screwed.
There has to be a way I can get some help with this. I found a KIA Soul for like $14,000. I was thinking if I could come up with like $10,000 in CASH maybe I could get the car. It's pretty awesome and only has 50,000 miles on it. I don't know, but I'm gonna think of something. I will figure this out somehow. That or you'll be reading awful posts from me in the near future about how nothing ever goes right and blah blah blah. Ugh I'm so whiny all the time... Someone really should just slap me. haha. I wonder if that would even work? Oh well!
Well I have research to do! ttyl!
Friday, August 19, 2011
I'm over this. I'm tired of living in the dark. Can anyone see me down here? The feeling's gone, theres nothing left to lift me up back into the world I know. Now again I've found myself so far down, away from the sun that shines into the darkest place, I'm so far down..
That's 3 Doors Down - Away From the Sun.
Good song. Appropriate song.. but then again I think most of them are. I really like 3 Doors Down. They seem to just.. get it. As if I really know what "it" is? ugh...
I feel awful. But I'm thankful for Puck. I don't know what I'd do without him. I came up here in a relatively bad mood, and he's been in my face since I got up here... which admittedly was really annoying because he wouldn't get off the damn keyboard.. but now hes just like laying in front of it with his paws on my shoulder. It couldn't possibly be comfortable for him but I appreciate it none the less. I don't know what I'd do without him. He helps me more than I could ever explain. Cat's don't judge. Puck doesn't judge. The looks he gives me are more general concern than judgement. I love him. And I'd do just about anything for him.
Anyway, I'm not going to give you insight into my BPD this post because honestly who gives a damn anyway? No one reads this crap as it is. It helps me a bit but I just don't feel like it right now. And I can't seem to remember anything I've read today anyway.
I'm not sure why I'm upset. Everything is kind of hazy... I'm sad but numb. And I don't know why. My eyes feel almost glazed over, like I can barely focus on anything. I want to die. Or cut. Either one would help really... but if I start cutting then I'll have to explain it later and "I don't know" is never an acceptable answer because no one seems to understand that.. sometimes I just freakin hurt for no reason. There's nothing I can do about that. Sorry. Get over it. But I can't think of a way to off myself that will actually work. I don't have any pills strong enough (not that it matters, overdosing on seriously powerful crap never worked in the past why would it now?).. I'm too much of a chicken to try to drown myself.. or cut deep enough... I suppose I could try hanging but even that could prove difficult. All I have are white twinkle lights left over from the wedding and somehow that just seems... tactless. And who would take care of Puck? My mom? Jon? Well Jon would probably be fine but mom and puck? I wish I could just accept that I'm stuck here. I'm probably never going to die. And that is REALLY depressing.
As much as I hated being a teenager, I kind of miss it. I miss the lack of responsibility. Being able to spend every penny I got on whatever the hell I wanted without worrying about not being able to pay a bill if I did. I miss thinking I could leave this awful town. I miss the hope that there would be a light at the end of the high school tunnel. Now there's nothing. No dreams. No hope. No light's... nothing. There's just nothing. Nothing to look forward to, nothing to hope for... nothing left. The best I can hope for now is death. The sweet sweet surrender of permanent escape.
It couldn't possibly be healthy that the only thing left for me to look forward to in life, is the end of it. But I honestly can't think of anything else. The only things I ever really wanted out of my life was marriage and kids... (I realize that it's sad that that was the best I hoped for) the most sad part of it is that I won't even get the whole part of that sad ass dream. I got marriage. But I'll never have kids. And I shouldn't. Chances are they'd turn out just as screwed up as me even if I COULD have them, which I can't.
Talking to kids and being positive while doing it, is such hard work. I admire their dreams. I admire that they can hope and dream for things and that it could actually be a possibility for them, even the far fetched dreams, could happen. I understand encouragement is important for them, so I do when I'm talking to one, but it's so much work. When you know, that although it could happen for them, all their dreams could come true, it isn't likely. The world is cruel. Reality is even crueler. Life sucks. Being an adult sucks. Murphy's law - everything that can go wrong, will. And that sucks. It's all too late for me. Nothing will ever change for me. But I hope to God if there is one, that it will for them.
I wish BPD didn't exist. I wish I could be okay and still hope for things... but there's nothing left to hope for. I'm going to be broke, working a dead end job for the rest of my life in this miserable hot ass desert hell of a state. And the worst part? I'm going to drag my husband down with me, because for some reason he insists on sticking around. Even though I suck the life out of everything. Honestly It would just be better for everyone if I were dead. I contribute no good to anything. I have nothing left to hope for. And I'm too damn negative. If I could change that.. if I knew how.. I would. But I just have nothing left. I have no energy for it. Everything hurts so freakin bad... I don't even want to try anymore. I'm dead inside already. I hate me.
Brandi Evans
Good song. Appropriate song.. but then again I think most of them are. I really like 3 Doors Down. They seem to just.. get it. As if I really know what "it" is? ugh...
I feel awful. But I'm thankful for Puck. I don't know what I'd do without him. I came up here in a relatively bad mood, and he's been in my face since I got up here... which admittedly was really annoying because he wouldn't get off the damn keyboard.. but now hes just like laying in front of it with his paws on my shoulder. It couldn't possibly be comfortable for him but I appreciate it none the less. I don't know what I'd do without him. He helps me more than I could ever explain. Cat's don't judge. Puck doesn't judge. The looks he gives me are more general concern than judgement. I love him. And I'd do just about anything for him.
Anyway, I'm not going to give you insight into my BPD this post because honestly who gives a damn anyway? No one reads this crap as it is. It helps me a bit but I just don't feel like it right now. And I can't seem to remember anything I've read today anyway.
I'm not sure why I'm upset. Everything is kind of hazy... I'm sad but numb. And I don't know why. My eyes feel almost glazed over, like I can barely focus on anything. I want to die. Or cut. Either one would help really... but if I start cutting then I'll have to explain it later and "I don't know" is never an acceptable answer because no one seems to understand that.. sometimes I just freakin hurt for no reason. There's nothing I can do about that. Sorry. Get over it. But I can't think of a way to off myself that will actually work. I don't have any pills strong enough (not that it matters, overdosing on seriously powerful crap never worked in the past why would it now?).. I'm too much of a chicken to try to drown myself.. or cut deep enough... I suppose I could try hanging but even that could prove difficult. All I have are white twinkle lights left over from the wedding and somehow that just seems... tactless. And who would take care of Puck? My mom? Jon? Well Jon would probably be fine but mom and puck? I wish I could just accept that I'm stuck here. I'm probably never going to die. And that is REALLY depressing.
As much as I hated being a teenager, I kind of miss it. I miss the lack of responsibility. Being able to spend every penny I got on whatever the hell I wanted without worrying about not being able to pay a bill if I did. I miss thinking I could leave this awful town. I miss the hope that there would be a light at the end of the high school tunnel. Now there's nothing. No dreams. No hope. No light's... nothing. There's just nothing. Nothing to look forward to, nothing to hope for... nothing left. The best I can hope for now is death. The sweet sweet surrender of permanent escape.
It couldn't possibly be healthy that the only thing left for me to look forward to in life, is the end of it. But I honestly can't think of anything else. The only things I ever really wanted out of my life was marriage and kids... (I realize that it's sad that that was the best I hoped for) the most sad part of it is that I won't even get the whole part of that sad ass dream. I got marriage. But I'll never have kids. And I shouldn't. Chances are they'd turn out just as screwed up as me even if I COULD have them, which I can't.
Talking to kids and being positive while doing it, is such hard work. I admire their dreams. I admire that they can hope and dream for things and that it could actually be a possibility for them, even the far fetched dreams, could happen. I understand encouragement is important for them, so I do when I'm talking to one, but it's so much work. When you know, that although it could happen for them, all their dreams could come true, it isn't likely. The world is cruel. Reality is even crueler. Life sucks. Being an adult sucks. Murphy's law - everything that can go wrong, will. And that sucks. It's all too late for me. Nothing will ever change for me. But I hope to God if there is one, that it will for them.
I wish BPD didn't exist. I wish I could be okay and still hope for things... but there's nothing left to hope for. I'm going to be broke, working a dead end job for the rest of my life in this miserable hot ass desert hell of a state. And the worst part? I'm going to drag my husband down with me, because for some reason he insists on sticking around. Even though I suck the life out of everything. Honestly It would just be better for everyone if I were dead. I contribute no good to anything. I have nothing left to hope for. And I'm too damn negative. If I could change that.. if I knew how.. I would. But I just have nothing left. I have no energy for it. Everything hurts so freakin bad... I don't even want to try anymore. I'm dead inside already. I hate me.
Brandi Evans
Nothing stops the madness, burning, haunting, yearning, pull the trigger. You should have known the price of evil. And it hurts to know that you belong here, yeah. No one to call, everybody to fear. Your tragic fate is looking so clear, yeah. Oooh It's your f**kin' Nightmare.
That's from Avenged Sevenfold's Nightmare.
I bought a book at Hastings... 'I Hate You Don't Leave Me' by Jerold J. Kreisman and Hal Staus.
It's helpful kind of. Although to be honest I'm having trouble getting through it. It's interesting enough I just keep having distractions. Therefore I can't really remember everything I've read like I can with books I read without interruption. There were a few things that stuck out. That first article I posted about BPD had a lot from the book. It's crazy though reading about it from a doctor's point of view. I mean I guess the other websites are probably products of some doctors research, but it's weird seeing it in depth. There were a few things I remember reading that I wanted to share. They stuck out significantly. No copyright infringement intended.
This book is an updated version. It explains in the preface, that there are sections that have merely been updated, but also whole passages have been added. The copyright page indicates this edited revision version was printed December of 2010. I don't know if that is when it was edited, but that is when this copy was printed at least. I probably should have paid more attention in the copyright page lesson in school. haha.
Anyway like I said there were a few things I wanted to share, mostly quotes from people in the book that I can relate to. The author indicates in the preface that despite that there have been advances in the research of BPD, that it was disappointing to review the preface of the older version of this book only to find how misunderstood this illness was a mere twenty years ago. That BPD continues to confuse and terrify professionals as well as the general public. Also that as recently as 2009, time magazine reported that "Borderlines are the patients psychologists fear most". That is interesting. It's almost.. nice to know people fear me.... FEAR ME!!! hahah... anyway... Marsha Linehan, a leading expert on BPD stated that (and this part is in the article I posted in an earlier post)
The book also goes on to explain the case of a specific individual, Jennifer. It explains how we search for solid identities, because we lack one of our own, or are not able to see it. We are basically emotion chameleons. We will let people do pretty much anything to us, as long as they can give us a solid roll in life. And actually sometimes even want bad things to happen, just so we know we're still alive, because we tend to be incredibly out of touch with reality. Which sucks by the way, but I can honestly see how I have been a party to that as well. I'm always searching for other people to tell me what to do, or what I like. I lack structure in my life. I do not have a life of my own. There are things that I do.. I go to work, pay my bills, feed and take care of my cat, talk with my family. But my views and ideals change constantly. I tend to adapt to whatever the person I'm with feels. It also says that while borderlines are sensitive to other people emotions, we lack empathy. Which I guess is why I frequently feel like I don't care. People will tell me things and I want to care, and sometimes I can even relate, but I sometimes feel the empathy I show them is fake. I hate to say that but it's true. Trying to fix myself won't work unless I'm completely honest and I suppose empathy is something I need to work on.
Later on in the book it goes to explain the "emotional hemophilia" that we borderlines deal with constantly.
It would take me forever to explain the entire contents of this book. Even longer just to quote it. But I'll explain somewhat what the "splitting" is like. Splitting, is where we pretty basically see everything (everyone) in black and white. All good or all bad. And what can be all good one minute, can be all bad the next. The book describes it as a child's view of superheroes and super villains. We see everything like that. We are basically children, emotionally. We cannot tolerate human inconsistencies, cannot transform ones good and bad qualities into a constant. We can think the world of a person one day, thinking they are the best person in the world, and the next day they could be the scum of the earth. The messed up part is that, people cannot be all good all the time. People are disappointing at best. Everyone makes mistakes. Unfortunately borderlines have trouble seeing things that way, if at all. There are very little, if at all, shades of gray. If you mess up, we're going to hate you. And every bad thing about you that we've been blind to, comes forward and we most likely will throw everything possible in your face. Your good qualities, don't exist. Whereas if we are idealizing you, you can do no wrong. Any bad qualities do not exist. You are perfect in every aspect. For a time. Even in some instances, offending situations, we can twist to blame ourselves for in order to maintain the "all good" view of you.
We lack the ability to synthesize the feelings of good and bad, and see a person or thing as a whole like most people can. Instead, borderlines shift back and forth, entirely unaware of one emotional state while were in another.
Anyway I don't feel like doing this anymore now, it's getting really late.
Brandi Evans
I bought a book at Hastings... 'I Hate You Don't Leave Me' by Jerold J. Kreisman and Hal Staus.
It's helpful kind of. Although to be honest I'm having trouble getting through it. It's interesting enough I just keep having distractions. Therefore I can't really remember everything I've read like I can with books I read without interruption. There were a few things that stuck out. That first article I posted about BPD had a lot from the book. It's crazy though reading about it from a doctor's point of view. I mean I guess the other websites are probably products of some doctors research, but it's weird seeing it in depth. There were a few things I remember reading that I wanted to share. They stuck out significantly. No copyright infringement intended.
This book is an updated version. It explains in the preface, that there are sections that have merely been updated, but also whole passages have been added. The copyright page indicates this edited revision version was printed December of 2010. I don't know if that is when it was edited, but that is when this copy was printed at least. I probably should have paid more attention in the copyright page lesson in school. haha.
Anyway like I said there were a few things I wanted to share, mostly quotes from people in the book that I can relate to. The author indicates in the preface that despite that there have been advances in the research of BPD, that it was disappointing to review the preface of the older version of this book only to find how misunderstood this illness was a mere twenty years ago. That BPD continues to confuse and terrify professionals as well as the general public. Also that as recently as 2009, time magazine reported that "Borderlines are the patients psychologists fear most". That is interesting. It's almost.. nice to know people fear me.... FEAR ME!!! hahah... anyway... Marsha Linehan, a leading expert on BPD stated that (and this part is in the article I posted in an earlier post)
"Borderline individuals are the psychological equivalent of third-degree burn patients. They simply have, so to speak, no emotional skin. Even the slightest touch or movement can create immense suffering."I can see how that would be accurate. The whole, freaking out for trivial things. How simple words, even those not meant to hurt, can be excruciating and ruin an entire day if not more, or even make me hate someone.
The book also goes on to explain the case of a specific individual, Jennifer. It explains how we search for solid identities, because we lack one of our own, or are not able to see it. We are basically emotion chameleons. We will let people do pretty much anything to us, as long as they can give us a solid roll in life. And actually sometimes even want bad things to happen, just so we know we're still alive, because we tend to be incredibly out of touch with reality. Which sucks by the way, but I can honestly see how I have been a party to that as well. I'm always searching for other people to tell me what to do, or what I like. I lack structure in my life. I do not have a life of my own. There are things that I do.. I go to work, pay my bills, feed and take care of my cat, talk with my family. But my views and ideals change constantly. I tend to adapt to whatever the person I'm with feels. It also says that while borderlines are sensitive to other people emotions, we lack empathy. Which I guess is why I frequently feel like I don't care. People will tell me things and I want to care, and sometimes I can even relate, but I sometimes feel the empathy I show them is fake. I hate to say that but it's true. Trying to fix myself won't work unless I'm completely honest and I suppose empathy is something I need to work on.
Later on in the book it goes to explain the "emotional hemophilia" that we borderlines deal with constantly.
"Beneath the clinical nomenclature lies the anguish experienced by borderlines and their families and friends. For the borderline, much of life is a relentless emotional roller coaster with no apparent destination. For those living with, loving, or treating the borderline, the trip can seem just as wild, hopeless, and frustrating.
Jennifer and millions of other borderlines are provoked to rage uncontrollably against the people they love most. They feel helpless and empty, with an identity splintered by severe emotional contradictions. Mood changes come swiftly, explosively, carrying the borderline from the heights of joy to the depths of depression. Filled with anger one hour, calm the next, he often has little inkling about why he was driven to such wrath. Afterward, the inability to understand the origins of the episode brings on more self-hate and depression. A borderline suffers a kind of "emotional hemophilia"; she lacks the clotting mechanism needed to moderate her spurts of feeling. Prick the delicate "skin" of a borderline and she will emotionally bleed to death. Sustained periods of contentment are foreign to the borderline. Chronic emptiness depletes him until he is forced to do anything to escape. In the grip of these lows, the borderline is prone to a myriad of impulsive, self-destructive acts--drug and alcohol binges, eating marathons, anorexic fasts, bulimic purges, gambling forays, shopping sprees, sexual promiscuity, and self-mutilation. He may attempt suicide, often not with the intent to die but to feel something, to confirm he is alive. "I hate the way I feel," confesses one borderline. "When I think about suicide, it seems so tempting, so inviting. Sometimes it's the only thing I relate to. It is difficult not to want to hurt myself. It's like, if I hurt myself, the fear and pain will go away." Central to the borderline syndrome is the lack of a core sense of identity. When describing themselves, borderlines typically paint a confused or contradictory self-portrait, in contrast to other patients who generally have a much clearer sense of who they are. To overcome their indistinct and mostly negative self-image, borderlines, like actors, are constantly searching for "good roles," complete "characters" they can use to fill their identity void. So they often adapt like chameleons to the environment, situation, or companions of the moment, much like the title character in Woody Allen's film Zelig, who literally assumes the personality, identity, and appearance of people around him. The lure of ecstatic experiences, whether attained through sex, drugs, or other means, is sometimes overwhelming for the borderline. "
It would take me forever to explain the entire contents of this book. Even longer just to quote it. But I'll explain somewhat what the "splitting" is like. Splitting, is where we pretty basically see everything (everyone) in black and white. All good or all bad. And what can be all good one minute, can be all bad the next. The book describes it as a child's view of superheroes and super villains. We see everything like that. We are basically children, emotionally. We cannot tolerate human inconsistencies, cannot transform ones good and bad qualities into a constant. We can think the world of a person one day, thinking they are the best person in the world, and the next day they could be the scum of the earth. The messed up part is that, people cannot be all good all the time. People are disappointing at best. Everyone makes mistakes. Unfortunately borderlines have trouble seeing things that way, if at all. There are very little, if at all, shades of gray. If you mess up, we're going to hate you. And every bad thing about you that we've been blind to, comes forward and we most likely will throw everything possible in your face. Your good qualities, don't exist. Whereas if we are idealizing you, you can do no wrong. Any bad qualities do not exist. You are perfect in every aspect. For a time. Even in some instances, offending situations, we can twist to blame ourselves for in order to maintain the "all good" view of you.
We lack the ability to synthesize the feelings of good and bad, and see a person or thing as a whole like most people can. Instead, borderlines shift back and forth, entirely unaware of one emotional state while were in another.
Anyway I don't feel like doing this anymore now, it's getting really late.
Brandi Evans
Monday, August 15, 2011
We are brash and reckless. Made of glass and careless, we break apart the moment we both feel too much. 'Cuz when it hurts, it hurts. You wonder if it's worth it. But when it works it works, and when it's broke it's perfect...
That is Just the Way I'm Not - All Time Low. I love them. Seriously, haha I know I've said that before, but I really really do.
Anyway I thought I'd add some more information on BPD. Just in case the article before wasn't helpful. I can see how it may be somewhat confusing ergo, another article. (Sources noted beneath insert.)
The causes of borderline personality disorder (BPD) are unknown. Genetic, family, and social factors are thought to play roles.
Risk factors for BPD include:
People with BPD are often uncertain about their identity. As a result, their interests and values may change rapidly.
People with BPD also tend to see things in terms of extremes, such as either all good or all bad. Their views of other people may change quickly. A person who is looked up to one day may be looked down on the next day. These suddenly shifting feelings often lead to intense and unstable relationships.
Other symptoms of BPD include:
Source --
Anyway, I got new shoes today! It's horribly sad, but my other ones are dying... and by dying I mean the sides are ripping open and the side of the sole on both shoes is torn. It was a sad day.. but I really like the new ones. They are similar, but a different brand, and they have a zipper... and white shoe laces instead of black. I may buy some cooler shoe laces tomorrow if there's time. I have to go to Waco. Jon has his bowling league thing and I need a new tire for my car (again). I just got a new one about two weeks ago because I hit a curb rather hard and popped the front driver side tire.. but part of the back driver side tire is hanging off although hasn't popped yet luckily. I found a place in Waco that has a used one my car's size for 25 bucks including mounting it. Sweet deal :) My tires brand new are anywhere from $85+. And that sucks. I seriously cannot afford this crap.
We're paying rent now and I have way too many bills for how much Jon and I make. I learned today that at least his schedule at work is changing a little luckily. He's moving to days on the weekends so I'll actually get to see him a little more. And that'll be good. We don't see each other enough, and that is part of our arguments usually. I need attention and he's never around. The bowling league was a big thing for a while. I was SOOO mad when he joined. His days off are Tuesday and Wednesdays.. I work until 2 and then I have the afternoons with him.. but It isn't enough and then when he took up the bowling league that took away Tuesdays. So I got a few hours with him ONCE a week. Usually I sleep until 11-12 on the weekends, and he leaves at 3 so that doesn't leave much time and hes SO cranky when he gets up.. lol.
This will be good though I hope. Also we've almost been married a year and that is exciting. I'm glad we didn't call it off all those times. I love him. Usually. I have to add that because, well I'm crazy. And sometimes I don't like anyone much less love them. I still wonder if love is even real. I like having him around.. and I like being close to him. It feels somewhat healthy. I think any more than that borders obsession. And that isn't healthy. I've been there... it hurts almost as much as an "episode" and it's really not cool. Then again, that's how I feel when I almost lose him. It's like massive panic and fear. I need therapy seriously I am so messed up. People shouldn't feel like this. I should know people love me. I should know that I love them. But I'm not so sure. Sometimes I feel like I don't have feelings at all. And other times I feel like I have way too many. I don't know. I don't know how I feel. I can't tell or something. Even right now. It seems like when I'm not upset, I don't care. I don't really feel anything. And (I'm about to post lyrics) like in Three Days Grace --
Pain, without love
Pain, I can't get enough
Pain, I like it rough
'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all
You're sick of feeling numb
You're not the only one
I'll take you by the hand
And I'll show you a world that you can understand
This life is filled with hurt
Whenhappiness doesn't work
Trust me and take my hand
When thelights go out you will understand
Pain, without love
Pain, I can't get enough
Pain, I like it rough
'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all
Pain, without love
Pain, I can't get enough
Pain, I like it rough
'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all
Anger andagony
Are better than misery
When the lights go off you will understand
Pain, without love
Pain, I can't get enough
Pain, I like it rough
'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all
Pain, without love
Pain, I can't get enough
Pain, I like it rough
'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing
Rather feel pain
I know (I know I know I know I know)
That you're wounded
You know (You know you know you know you know)
That I'm here to save you
You know (You know you know you know you know)
I'm always here for you
I know (I know I know I know I know)
That you'll thank me later
Pain, without love
Pain, can't get enough
Pain, I like it rough
'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all
Pain, without love
Pain, I can't get enough
Pain, I like it rough
'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all
Pain, without love
Pain, I can't get enough
Pain, I like it rough
'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all
Rather feel pain than nothing at all
Rather feel pain
I actually think that song is probably about sex, but either way you get the point, it applies. Although I don't think I'd rather feel pain... I think I'd rather feel nothing, but nothing scares me a bit. I feel like if I don't feel anything I'm more likely to be capable of something really awful. and I don't want that. I have read (and heard) in various places, that BPD rarely exists without another mental illness. I wasn't in therapy long enough to find out if I had another one, but the chances are good and I wonder what it is if any? I have often wondered if I'm mildly schizophrenic. I do, from time to time see things that are not there.. but I hear things more often than I see them. Although that could be a product of all the anti psychotics I overdosed on as a teenager. Who knows really. But I can tell you, I'm afraid of myself. I'm afraid of the things I think sometimes. The things I seriously consider doing. Sometimes, I wonder if I did something horrible.. if I'd even feel bad about it, or if I'd be upset that I got in trouble for it. I honestly don't know.
I hate being in trouble. I hate when people hate me. I hate when people are mad at me... but they're all the same to me. If I'm in trouble or someone is mad at me, they hate me. And what's even worse? I hate them too, for hating me. It's a messed up situation. Anyway I need to go, I feel weird.
Brandi Evans
Anyway I thought I'd add some more information on BPD. Just in case the article before wasn't helpful. I can see how it may be somewhat confusing ergo, another article. (Sources noted beneath insert.)
These inner experiences often cause them to take impulsive actions and have chaotic relationships."Borderline personality disorder is a condition in which people have long-term patterns of unstable or turbulent emotions, such as feelings about themselves and others.
The causes of borderline personality disorder (BPD) are unknown. Genetic, family, and social factors are thought to play roles.
Risk factors for BPD include:
- Abandonment in childhood or adolescence
- Disrupted family life
- Poor communication in the family
- Sexual abuse
People with BPD are often uncertain about their identity. As a result, their interests and values may change rapidly.
People with BPD also tend to see things in terms of extremes, such as either all good or all bad. Their views of other people may change quickly. A person who is looked up to one day may be looked down on the next day. These suddenly shifting feelings often lead to intense and unstable relationships.
Other symptoms of BPD include:
- Fear of being abandoned
- Feelings of emptiness and boredom
- Frequent displays of inappropriate anger
- Impulsiveness with money, substance abuse, sexual relationships, binge eating, or shoplifting
- Intolerance of being alone
- Repeated crises and acts of self-injury, such as wrist cutting or overdosing
Source --
Anyway, I got new shoes today! It's horribly sad, but my other ones are dying... and by dying I mean the sides are ripping open and the side of the sole on both shoes is torn. It was a sad day.. but I really like the new ones. They are similar, but a different brand, and they have a zipper... and white shoe laces instead of black. I may buy some cooler shoe laces tomorrow if there's time. I have to go to Waco. Jon has his bowling league thing and I need a new tire for my car (again). I just got a new one about two weeks ago because I hit a curb rather hard and popped the front driver side tire.. but part of the back driver side tire is hanging off although hasn't popped yet luckily. I found a place in Waco that has a used one my car's size for 25 bucks including mounting it. Sweet deal :) My tires brand new are anywhere from $85+. And that sucks. I seriously cannot afford this crap.
We're paying rent now and I have way too many bills for how much Jon and I make. I learned today that at least his schedule at work is changing a little luckily. He's moving to days on the weekends so I'll actually get to see him a little more. And that'll be good. We don't see each other enough, and that is part of our arguments usually. I need attention and he's never around. The bowling league was a big thing for a while. I was SOOO mad when he joined. His days off are Tuesday and Wednesdays.. I work until 2 and then I have the afternoons with him.. but It isn't enough and then when he took up the bowling league that took away Tuesdays. So I got a few hours with him ONCE a week. Usually I sleep until 11-12 on the weekends, and he leaves at 3 so that doesn't leave much time and hes SO cranky when he gets up.. lol.
This will be good though I hope. Also we've almost been married a year and that is exciting. I'm glad we didn't call it off all those times. I love him. Usually. I have to add that because, well I'm crazy. And sometimes I don't like anyone much less love them. I still wonder if love is even real. I like having him around.. and I like being close to him. It feels somewhat healthy. I think any more than that borders obsession. And that isn't healthy. I've been there... it hurts almost as much as an "episode" and it's really not cool. Then again, that's how I feel when I almost lose him. It's like massive panic and fear. I need therapy seriously I am so messed up. People shouldn't feel like this. I should know people love me. I should know that I love them. But I'm not so sure. Sometimes I feel like I don't have feelings at all. And other times I feel like I have way too many. I don't know. I don't know how I feel. I can't tell or something. Even right now. It seems like when I'm not upset, I don't care. I don't really feel anything. And (I'm about to post lyrics) like in Three Days Grace --
Pain, without love
Pain, I can't get enough
Pain, I like it rough
'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all
You're sick of feeling numb
You're not the only one
I'll take you by the hand
And I'll show you a world that you can understand
This life is filled with hurt
Trust me and take my hand
When the
Pain, without love
Pain, I can't get enough
Pain, I like it rough
'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all
Pain, without love
Pain, I can't get enough
Pain, I like it rough
'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all
Anger and
Are better than misery
When the lights go off you will understand
Pain, without love
Pain, I can't get enough
Pain, I like it rough
'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all
Pain, without love
Pain, I can't get enough
Pain, I like it rough
'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing
Rather feel pain
I know (I know I know I know I know)
That you're wounded
You know (You know you know you know you know)
That I'm here to save you
You know (You know you know you know you know)
I'm always here for you
I know (I know I know I know I know)
That you'll thank me later
Pain, without love
Pain, can't get enough
Pain, I like it rough
'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all
Pain, without love
Pain, I can't get enough
Pain, I like it rough
'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all
Pain, without love
Pain, I can't get enough
Pain, I like it rough
'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all
Rather feel pain than nothing at all
Rather feel pain
I actually think that song is probably about sex, but either way you get the point, it applies. Although I don't think I'd rather feel pain... I think I'd rather feel nothing, but nothing scares me a bit. I feel like if I don't feel anything I'm more likely to be capable of something really awful. and I don't want that. I have read (and heard) in various places, that BPD rarely exists without another mental illness. I wasn't in therapy long enough to find out if I had another one, but the chances are good and I wonder what it is if any? I have often wondered if I'm mildly schizophrenic. I do, from time to time see things that are not there.. but I hear things more often than I see them. Although that could be a product of all the anti psychotics I overdosed on as a teenager. Who knows really. But I can tell you, I'm afraid of myself. I'm afraid of the things I think sometimes. The things I seriously consider doing. Sometimes, I wonder if I did something horrible.. if I'd even feel bad about it, or if I'd be upset that I got in trouble for it. I honestly don't know.
I hate being in trouble. I hate when people hate me. I hate when people are mad at me... but they're all the same to me. If I'm in trouble or someone is mad at me, they hate me. And what's even worse? I hate them too, for hating me. It's a messed up situation. Anyway I need to go, I feel weird.
Brandi Evans
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Give me therapy I'm a walking travesty, but I'm smiling at everything. Therapy you were never a friend to me, you can keep all your misery.
Alright, so Friday was a considerably bad day. But venting on here like I did seemed to help. I was mostly calmed down by the time I got home. I ranted and raved to my family for about an hour, and after that I was totally fine. So, sorry about that.
Anyway, I tend to like to title things with lyrics from songs. The first and 2nd post were from the same song. Back to Me by 3 doors down. Today's is Therapy by All Time Low. I love All Time Low. I'll start naming the song in my posts.
So Thursday and Friday night I was up really late trying to finish working on Jon and I's wedding photos. They needed a LOT of editing. And a few of them I added extra editing to because well I'm awesome at it, and its kind of fun... and I had the time Friday night before Jon got home. He hasn't even looked at them though. My mom did... but my step dad and Jon both said the same thing..."I was there, I remember it." Totally not the point. I like showing off my mad editing skills :(. Especially because those pictures were REALLY bad... they were all dark and ugh... It annoyed me to no end. Which is mostly why I put off doing it for so long. I knew it was going to take forever. In total, it took me 18 hours to edit them. And I did it in 2 days. 161 photos. Now isn't THAT some shit? lol Anyway, I'm pretty proud of my work, so I'm going to post a few at the bottom of this post if it will let me.
I have's premium, so there is a TON of things I can do on it. I love that program. And it's only like $25 for a year. You can do the free version too but the tools aren't as cool. I've been using picnik for years, but I just got the premium last year sometime. I may add a few pictures that aren't from the wedding as well. I like taking and editing pictures... sometimes. Most of the time I guess, but it's sort of hard to make myself do it. I never really want to until I actually start doing it. It's a good time waster at least.
I don't really have anything else new to report though. It's been a very quiet weekend (Thankfully). Watched a couple movies... slept a LOT... oh and I dyed my hair. I liked the pink a lot, but I'm trying to find a better job, and the likelihood of anyone hiring someone with pink hair, is slim to none. Jon and I went on... I don't know last Wednesday I guess? And ate at Tres Hermanos. They finally got that rebuilt. It's good too. Also my friend Marco works there, I bet he's glad to be back at work.
Haha last night Jon found a video I made of Puck... I kinda made him dance lol Jon liked it. I'll see if I can't add that on here as well, it's cute :). Alright well I don't have anything else to say so here are a few pictures and the video of Puck.
Anyway, I tend to like to title things with lyrics from songs. The first and 2nd post were from the same song. Back to Me by 3 doors down. Today's is Therapy by All Time Low. I love All Time Low. I'll start naming the song in my posts.
So Thursday and Friday night I was up really late trying to finish working on Jon and I's wedding photos. They needed a LOT of editing. And a few of them I added extra editing to because well I'm awesome at it, and its kind of fun... and I had the time Friday night before Jon got home. He hasn't even looked at them though. My mom did... but my step dad and Jon both said the same thing..."I was there, I remember it." Totally not the point. I like showing off my mad editing skills :(. Especially because those pictures were REALLY bad... they were all dark and ugh... It annoyed me to no end. Which is mostly why I put off doing it for so long. I knew it was going to take forever. In total, it took me 18 hours to edit them. And I did it in 2 days. 161 photos. Now isn't THAT some shit? lol Anyway, I'm pretty proud of my work, so I'm going to post a few at the bottom of this post if it will let me.
I have's premium, so there is a TON of things I can do on it. I love that program. And it's only like $25 for a year. You can do the free version too but the tools aren't as cool. I've been using picnik for years, but I just got the premium last year sometime. I may add a few pictures that aren't from the wedding as well. I like taking and editing pictures... sometimes. Most of the time I guess, but it's sort of hard to make myself do it. I never really want to until I actually start doing it. It's a good time waster at least.
I don't really have anything else new to report though. It's been a very quiet weekend (Thankfully). Watched a couple movies... slept a LOT... oh and I dyed my hair. I liked the pink a lot, but I'm trying to find a better job, and the likelihood of anyone hiring someone with pink hair, is slim to none. Jon and I went on... I don't know last Wednesday I guess? And ate at Tres Hermanos. They finally got that rebuilt. It's good too. Also my friend Marco works there, I bet he's glad to be back at work.
Haha last night Jon found a video I made of Puck... I kinda made him dance lol Jon liked it. I'll see if I can't add that on here as well, it's cute :). Alright well I don't have anything else to say so here are a few pictures and the video of Puck.
The song that's playing in the video, is Monsters by Matchbook Romance.
Friday, August 12, 2011
I just... GRRRRRR damn it!!!!! I want this STUPID DAY TO BE OVER ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I only got 3 hours of sleep because I have to finish those damn wedding pictures for Jon's mom and I STILL have 35 left to do.... and then I almost hit a dog this morning (I didn't though) but even just that about sent me over the edge.... I get to work THE FREAKING A/C ISN'T WORKING.... This is TEXAS it's hotter than HELLLLLL here!!!!!! and to top it off.... I have to finish the bulletin for Sunday.. and that would be all well and good except THE F**KING PRINTER WON'T PRINT!!!! Do you KNOW how freaking USELESS Dell troubleshooting is?? TOTALLY EFFING POINTLESS!!!
And as for you judgemental asses who think that this is just stupid shit that I should just be able to get over because it's stupid. F**K YOU! You don't know ANYTHING about me! Ohhh God doesn't give a person more than they can handle... Are you f**king kidding me? Try living in my head for more than a day. I guarantee you couldn't do it. Do you think I LIKE having insignificant things send me totally over the edge? WELL I DON'T! okay, it really SUCKS. It hurts like hell and happens at horribly inopportune times, like now for instance. I'm at work, trying desperately not to throw a fit, and I'm now shaking like crazy and getting a headache, and fighting back massive tears. Not to mention I tried that stupid rubber band trick... where instead of cutting you put a rubber band on your wrist and pop it on your skin... I've successfully left whelps and these weird red dot things all over my wrist. Thanks.
And certain people status' on Facebook... I really wanna punch you in the face right now. Like seriously. If you were here, I would punch you in the face. You don't know what you're talking about, you stuck up little brat! YOU don't know ANYTHING!
NONE OF YOU KNOW ANYTHING!!!! I'm glad everyone hates me. That's right, who needs you stupid people anyway. You don't know me, you don't know anything! I don't need anyone!
GRRRRRR I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
And as for you judgemental asses who think that this is just stupid shit that I should just be able to get over because it's stupid. F**K YOU! You don't know ANYTHING about me! Ohhh God doesn't give a person more than they can handle... Are you f**king kidding me? Try living in my head for more than a day. I guarantee you couldn't do it. Do you think I LIKE having insignificant things send me totally over the edge? WELL I DON'T! okay, it really SUCKS. It hurts like hell and happens at horribly inopportune times, like now for instance. I'm at work, trying desperately not to throw a fit, and I'm now shaking like crazy and getting a headache, and fighting back massive tears. Not to mention I tried that stupid rubber band trick... where instead of cutting you put a rubber band on your wrist and pop it on your skin... I've successfully left whelps and these weird red dot things all over my wrist. Thanks.
And certain people status' on Facebook... I really wanna punch you in the face right now. Like seriously. If you were here, I would punch you in the face. You don't know what you're talking about, you stuck up little brat! YOU don't know ANYTHING!
NONE OF YOU KNOW ANYTHING!!!! I'm glad everyone hates me. That's right, who needs you stupid people anyway. You don't know me, you don't know anything! I don't need anyone!
GRRRRRR I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Tears forget. That's more than I can do. 'Cause they don't wash away, all the things that we've been through...
I don't really feel like doing this right now, but whatever I guess. I'm not going to have time to later.
So I gave you insight to my crappy life yesterday, but I didn't really give you definitive BPD information. Only how it relates to me or whatever. So this post, I'm just going to go over things I've found online about it. Mostly because well... the Internet is my only real source of information. But before I do that, I'd like to interject something. It is symptomatic for a borderline to feel, bad or evil. Like they are bad people or whatever. Well.. Most therapists, and definitely movies, are really bad about reinforcing such thoughts. For instance, most therapists won't treat BPD, as I stated in the last post. Because of our tendency towards violence and uncooperative nature. But BPD has a horrible stigma attached to it. And because of that stigma, most either will not even attempt to treat us, or they do so in a cold, uncaring, or even defensive way. Here are a few examples (sources will be noted under each insert):
"The trouble about being a client with the diagnosis of borderline personality disorder (BPD) is anytime you speak up for yourself, take a stand in regards to your treatment, ask for a change, ask for another opinion, another case worker, another therapist or Dr., you are commonly accused as exhibiting "borderline" behavior.
The stigma for people with BPD is so bad that when you initially step into your (Dr.'s, Therapist's, Caseworker's, Nurse Practitioner's) office, they are waiting for you to "step out of line." Their "guns are already drawn and they are ready to fire.
It doesn't much matter at what level of recovery you are existing at. That thing that counts is your diagnosis.
Many mental health professionals have a big stigma against borderlines because what their co-workers have said. Where did their co-workers get that information? From their co-workers.
am sure that they can tell you some gruesome stories about "these borderlines" but what they are talking about are people who have the diagnosis of the BPD and they have it very severely and they also have other mental disorders along with it that the person telling the story did not mention because that part was never mentioned.
Or perhaps they are judging you because of their past patients and what they forget is they are not dealing with a past patient, they are dealing with me, or you. It is as if they sit back and wait for that "borderline behavior" to pop out. So, if we have any level of intelligence (for some reason those of us with the BPD seem to have a higher than average level of intelligence from what I have noticed) and ask them to explain their treatment decisions, etc. they put that in their big bag of "expected borderline behavior."
Just recently I received two emails from mental health professionals that were extremely abusive to all BPD patients, and they were sent in the guise that they wanted to understand people with BPD better. I could not believe what I was reading. "Borderline patients are always manipulating staff and burn staff out and so many staff have left just do to the borderline behaviors."
Number one, this is clear splitting - black and white thinking. It is only the borderlines that are burning them out. I have been a social worker for almost 10 years and I can tell you I am burnt to a crisp but it is not due to one single population. If a mental health professional gets burned out, they are burned out on being a mental health professional with any population. That is burn out.
This sort of stigma in the mental health system is "contagious." When I was a social worker I would roll my eyes when someone mentioned BPD. Why? Because that is what all of my co-workers did. I was educated by my co-workers of how horrible borderlines were. Did I have my own experience with them? Nope. Did they? Nope. But if you rolled your eyes you were showing others that you were well educated about this population. You knew enough about this disorder to know that the borderlines were horrible people and hard to manage. When in real life, I knew nothing of this disorder.
This stigma is not only false but is very dangerous for people with BPD in regards to treatment. When my husband told his psychiatrist his wife had the BPD, what did he do? He rolled his eyes. Seriously! Did he know much about the BPD? No, he kept borrowing our books. This is common! Most Drs. and psychiatrists don't have a clue about the BPD and thus have no idea how to treat it! "
Above quote came from:
Many individuals with mental health difficulties are perceived as weak, inhuman, or “less than” because of their psychological symptoms. Of the major mental illnesses, individuals with BPD are perhaps among the most stigmatized. Individuals with BPD are often blamed for their symptoms by both professionals and laypeople.
To give one example of stigma and mental illness, consider public perception of mental illness and violence. Research has shown that the American public is twice a likely to believe that people with mental illness tend to be violent than they were in 1950.
In addition, people from stigmatized groups may be less likely to seek treatment because of the possible consequences of being labeled with a disorder. Many people will not seek treatment for fear that getting a diagnosis will interfere with their ability to get a job in the future.
Stigma also makes it difficult for people with mental illnesses to find the social support they need to successfully manage their illness. There is evidence that social support is one of the key factors in successful recovery from mental illness, but individuals from stigmatized groups may have trouble finding that social support."
Above quote from :
As bad as the stigma is from Mental Health professionals about BPD, the media is even worse. Ever seen The Crush? (SPOILERS!!!) Alicia Silverstone's all crazy, obsessive with her teacher and tries to kill him and his girlfriend? Or Chloe even, with Amanda Sigfreid. (sp?) She seems like a somewhat normal hooker, and then goes all crazy, obsessive stalker, scaring the hell out of that family. Both girls are supposed to portray "borderlines". Seriously dude? Okay, yes I personally tend to obsess over things, especially people. And yes I have serious fear of abandonment... but I am NOT a stalker. And I would never do even half the crazy crap either of those girls did. Honestly BPD was somewhat less offensively portrayed in Girl, Interrupted. Susanna Kaysen (Winona Rider), was supposed to be a borderline. She didn't act like a total psycho most of the time. At most, she responds to things as anyone in that situation would. With a "why the hell should I tell you anything about me" kind of attitude and occasionally, she verbally attacks the doctors or nurses, but seriously, who wouldn't? If someone threw me in a cold bath... They'd be lucky if verbal abuse was ALL they got from me.
My point is though, people suck in general when it comes to BPD.
Anyway, here are the Internet facts about BPD that I've found over time. The first article is the very first one I ever read. Again sources will be below the insert. Enjoy.
Linehan theorizes that borderlines are born with an innate biological tendency to react more intensely to lower levels of stress than others and to take longer to recover. They peak "higher" emotionally on less provocation and take longer coming down. In addition, they were raised in environments in which their beliefs about themselves and their environment were continually devalued and invalidated. These factors combine to create adults who are uncertain of the truth of their own feelings and who are confronted by three basic dialectics they have failed to master (and thus rush frantically from pole to pole of):
The second category is termed "nonspecific signs" and includes such things as low anxiety tolerance, poor impulse control, and an undeveloped or poor ability to enjoy work or hobbies in a meaningful way.
Kernberg believes that borderlines are distinguished from neurotics by the presence of "primitive defenses." Chief among these is splitting, in which a person or thing is seen as all good or all bad. Note that something which is all good one day can be all bad the next, which is related to another symptom: borderlines have problems with object constancy in people -- they read each action of people in their lives as if there were no prior context; they don't have a sense of continuity and consistency about people and things in their lives. They have a hard time experiencing an absent loved one as a loving presence in their minds. They also have difficulty seeing all of the actions taken by a person over a period of time as part of an integrated whole, and tend instead to analyze individual actions in an attempt to divine their individual meanings. People are defined by how they lasted interacted with the borderline.
Other primitive defenses cited include magical thinking (beliefs that thoughts can cause events), omnipotence, projection of unpleasant characteristics in the self onto others and projective identification, a process where the borderline tries to elicit in others the feelings s/he is having. Kernberg also includes as signs of BPO chaotic, extreme relationships with others; an inability to retain the soothing memory of a loved one; transient psychotic episodes; denial; and emotional amnesia. About the last, Linehan says, "Borderline individuals are so completely in each mood, they have great difficulty conceptualizing, remembering what it's like to be in another mood."
1. Shifts in mood lasting only a few hours.
2. Anger that is inappropriate, intense or uncontrollable.
4. Two potentially self-damaging impulsive behaviors. These could include alcohol and other drug abuse, compulsive spending, gambling, eating disorders, shoplifting, reckless driving, compulsive sexual behavior.
6. Chronic feelings of emptiness or boredom. Someone with BPD said, "I remember describing the feeling of having a deep hole in my stomach. An emptiness that I didn't know how to fill. My therapist told me that was from almost a "lack of a life". The more things you get into your life, the more relationships you get involved in, all of that fills that hole. As a borderline, I had no life. There were times when I couldn't stay in the same room with other people. It almost felt like what I think a panic attack would feel like."
8. Frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment
9. Transient, stress-related paranoid ideation or severe dissociative symptoms
This means feeling "out of it," or not being able to remember what you said or did. This mostly happens in times of severe stress.
Source from:
Alright, so that was only one article, but still I think you probably get the point by now. If not, just google "borderline personality disorder". Trust me there are no shortages of information. However, that was probably the best article I have ever found. It was most informative. Anyway, I need to go do things I don't want to do.
Brandi Evans
So I gave you insight to my crappy life yesterday, but I didn't really give you definitive BPD information. Only how it relates to me or whatever. So this post, I'm just going to go over things I've found online about it. Mostly because well... the Internet is my only real source of information. But before I do that, I'd like to interject something. It is symptomatic for a borderline to feel, bad or evil. Like they are bad people or whatever. Well.. Most therapists, and definitely movies, are really bad about reinforcing such thoughts. For instance, most therapists won't treat BPD, as I stated in the last post. Because of our tendency towards violence and uncooperative nature. But BPD has a horrible stigma attached to it. And because of that stigma, most either will not even attempt to treat us, or they do so in a cold, uncaring, or even defensive way. Here are a few examples (sources will be noted under each insert):
"The trouble about being a client with the diagnosis of borderline personality disorder (BPD) is anytime you speak up for yourself, take a stand in regards to your treatment, ask for a change, ask for another opinion, another case worker, another therapist or Dr., you are commonly accused as exhibiting "borderline" behavior.
The stigma for people with BPD is so bad that when you initially step into your (Dr.'s, Therapist's, Caseworker's, Nurse Practitioner's) office, they are waiting for you to "step out of line." Their "guns are already drawn and they are ready to fire.
It doesn't much matter at what level of recovery you are existing at. That thing that counts is your diagnosis.
Many mental health professionals have a big stigma against borderlines because what their co-workers have said. Where did their co-workers get that information? From their co-workers.
am sure that they can tell you some gruesome stories about "these borderlines" but what they are talking about are people who have the diagnosis of the BPD and they have it very severely and they also have other mental disorders along with it that the person telling the story did not mention because that part was never mentioned.
Or perhaps they are judging you because of their past patients and what they forget is they are not dealing with a past patient, they are dealing with me, or you. It is as if they sit back and wait for that "borderline behavior" to pop out. So, if we have any level of intelligence (for some reason those of us with the BPD seem to have a higher than average level of intelligence from what I have noticed) and ask them to explain their treatment decisions, etc. they put that in their big bag of "expected borderline behavior."
Just recently I received two emails from mental health professionals that were extremely abusive to all BPD patients, and they were sent in the guise that they wanted to understand people with BPD better. I could not believe what I was reading. "Borderline patients are always manipulating staff and burn staff out and so many staff have left just do to the borderline behaviors."
Number one, this is clear splitting - black and white thinking. It is only the borderlines that are burning them out. I have been a social worker for almost 10 years and I can tell you I am burnt to a crisp but it is not due to one single population. If a mental health professional gets burned out, they are burned out on being a mental health professional with any population. That is burn out.
This sort of stigma in the mental health system is "contagious." When I was a social worker I would roll my eyes when someone mentioned BPD. Why? Because that is what all of my co-workers did. I was educated by my co-workers of how horrible borderlines were. Did I have my own experience with them? Nope. Did they? Nope. But if you rolled your eyes you were showing others that you were well educated about this population. You knew enough about this disorder to know that the borderlines were horrible people and hard to manage. When in real life, I knew nothing of this disorder.
This stigma is not only false but is very dangerous for people with BPD in regards to treatment. When my husband told his psychiatrist his wife had the BPD, what did he do? He rolled his eyes. Seriously! Did he know much about the BPD? No, he kept borrowing our books. This is common! Most Drs. and psychiatrists don't have a clue about the BPD and thus have no idea how to treat it! "
Above quote came from:
"What Is Stigma?
Stigma is a perceived negative attribute that causes someone to devalue or think less of the whole person. People tend to distance themselves from individuals in stigmatized groups, to blame individuals in these groups for the perceived negative attributes, and to discriminate against and diminish the stigmatized individuals.Many individuals with mental health difficulties are perceived as weak, inhuman, or “less than” because of their psychological symptoms. Of the major mental illnesses, individuals with BPD are perhaps among the most stigmatized. Individuals with BPD are often blamed for their symptoms by both professionals and laypeople.
To give one example of stigma and mental illness, consider public perception of mental illness and violence. Research has shown that the American public is twice a likely to believe that people with mental illness tend to be violent than they were in 1950.
What Are the Consequences of Stigma?
The consequences of stigma are far-reaching. Research has shown that people from stigmatized groups are more likely to distance themselves from others, and they may start to believe what others say about them, thinking of themselves as incompetent, weak, or unreliable. These negative self-beliefs may have worse consequences than the mental illness itself, in some cases.In addition, people from stigmatized groups may be less likely to seek treatment because of the possible consequences of being labeled with a disorder. Many people will not seek treatment for fear that getting a diagnosis will interfere with their ability to get a job in the future.
Stigma also makes it difficult for people with mental illnesses to find the social support they need to successfully manage their illness. There is evidence that social support is one of the key factors in successful recovery from mental illness, but individuals from stigmatized groups may have trouble finding that social support."
Above quote from :
As bad as the stigma is from Mental Health professionals about BPD, the media is even worse. Ever seen The Crush? (SPOILERS!!!) Alicia Silverstone's all crazy, obsessive with her teacher and tries to kill him and his girlfriend? Or Chloe even, with Amanda Sigfreid. (sp?) She seems like a somewhat normal hooker, and then goes all crazy, obsessive stalker, scaring the hell out of that family. Both girls are supposed to portray "borderlines". Seriously dude? Okay, yes I personally tend to obsess over things, especially people. And yes I have serious fear of abandonment... but I am NOT a stalker. And I would never do even half the crazy crap either of those girls did. Honestly BPD was somewhat less offensively portrayed in Girl, Interrupted. Susanna Kaysen (Winona Rider), was supposed to be a borderline. She didn't act like a total psycho most of the time. At most, she responds to things as anyone in that situation would. With a "why the hell should I tell you anything about me" kind of attitude and occasionally, she verbally attacks the doctors or nurses, but seriously, who wouldn't? If someone threw me in a cold bath... They'd be lucky if verbal abuse was ALL they got from me.
My point is though, people suck in general when it comes to BPD.
Anyway, here are the Internet facts about BPD that I've found over time. The first article is the very first one I ever read. Again sources will be below the insert. Enjoy.
What causes Borderline Personality Disorder?
It would be remiss to discuss BPD without including a comment about Linehan's work. In contrast to the symptom list approaches detailed below, Linehan has developed a comprehensive sociobiological theory which appears to be borne out by the successes found in controlled studies of her Dialectical Behavioral Therapy.Linehan theorizes that borderlines are born with an innate biological tendency to react more intensely to lower levels of stress than others and to take longer to recover. They peak "higher" emotionally on less provocation and take longer coming down. In addition, they were raised in environments in which their beliefs about themselves and their environment were continually devalued and invalidated. These factors combine to create adults who are uncertain of the truth of their own feelings and who are confronted by three basic dialectics they have failed to master (and thus rush frantically from pole to pole of):
- vulnerability vs invalidation
- active passivity (tendency to be passive when confronted with a problem and actively seek a rescuer) vs apparent competence (appearing to be capable when in reality internally things are falling apart)
- unremitting crises vs inhibited grief.
Kernberg's Borderline Personality Organization
Diagnoses of BPO are based on three categories of criteria. The first, and most important, category, comprises two signs:- the absence of psychosis (i.e., the ability to perceive reality accurately)
- impaired ego integration - a diffuse and internally contradictory concept of self. Kernberg is quoted as saying, "Borderlines can describe themselves for five hours without your getting a realistic picture of what they're like."
The second category is termed "nonspecific signs" and includes such things as low anxiety tolerance, poor impulse control, and an undeveloped or poor ability to enjoy work or hobbies in a meaningful way.
Kernberg believes that borderlines are distinguished from neurotics by the presence of "primitive defenses." Chief among these is splitting, in which a person or thing is seen as all good or all bad. Note that something which is all good one day can be all bad the next, which is related to another symptom: borderlines have problems with object constancy in people -- they read each action of people in their lives as if there were no prior context; they don't have a sense of continuity and consistency about people and things in their lives. They have a hard time experiencing an absent loved one as a loving presence in their minds. They also have difficulty seeing all of the actions taken by a person over a period of time as part of an integrated whole, and tend instead to analyze individual actions in an attempt to divine their individual meanings. People are defined by how they lasted interacted with the borderline.
Other primitive defenses cited include magical thinking (beliefs that thoughts can cause events), omnipotence, projection of unpleasant characteristics in the self onto others and projective identification, a process where the borderline tries to elicit in others the feelings s/he is having. Kernberg also includes as signs of BPO chaotic, extreme relationships with others; an inability to retain the soothing memory of a loved one; transient psychotic episodes; denial; and emotional amnesia. About the last, Linehan says, "Borderline individuals are so completely in each mood, they have great difficulty conceptualizing, remembering what it's like to be in another mood."
Gunderson's conception of BPD
Gunderson, a psychoanalyst, is respected by researchers in many diverse areas of psychology and psychiatry. His focus tends to be on the differential diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder, and Cauwels gives Gunderson's criteria in order of their importance:- Intense unstable relationships in which the borderline always ends up getting hurt. Gunderson admits that this symptom is somewhat general, but considers it so central to BPD that he says he would hesitate to diagnose a patient as BPD without its presence.
- Repetitive self-destructive behavior, often designed to prompt rescue.
- Chronic fear of abandonment and panic when forced to be alone.
- Distorted thoughts/perceptions, particularly in terms of relationships and interactions with others.
- Hypersensitivity, meaning an unusual sensitivity to nonverbal communication. Gunderson notes that this can be confused with distortion if practitioners are not careful (somewhat similar to Herman's statement that, while survivors of intense long-term trauma may have unrealistic notions of the power realities of the situation they were in, their notions are likely to be closer to reality than the therapist might think).
- Impulsive behaviors that often embarrass the borderline later.
- Poor social adaptation: in a way, borderlines tend not to know or understand the rules regarding performance in job and academic settings.
The Diagnostic Interview for Borderlines, Revised
Gunderson and his colleague, Jonathan Kolb, tried to make the diagnosis of BPD by constructing a clinical interview to assess borderline characteristics in patients. The DIB was revised in 1989 to sharpen its ability to differentiate between BPD and other personality disorders. It considers symptoms that fall under four main headings:- Affect
- chronic/major depression
- helplessness
- hopelessness
- worthlessness
- guilt
- anger (including frequent expressions of anger)
- anxiety
- loneliness
- boredom
- emptiness
- Cognition
- odd thinking
- unusual perceptions
- non delusional paranoia
- quasi psychosis
- Impulse action patterns
- substance abuse/dependence
- sexual deviance
- manipulative suicide gestures
- other impulsive behaviors
- Interpersonal relationships
- intolerance of aloneness
- abandonment, engulfment, annihilation fears
- counter dependency
- stormy relationships
- manipulativeness
- dependency
- devaluation
- masochism/sadism
- demandingness
- entitlement
DSM-IV criteria
The DSM-IV gives these nine criteria; a diagnosis requires that the subject present with at least five of these. In I Hate You -- Don't Leave Me! Jerold Kriesman and Hal Straus refer to BPD as "emotional hemophilia; [a borderline] lacks the clotting mechanism needed to moderate his spurts of feeling. Stimulate a passion, and the borderline emotionally bleeds to death."Traits involving emotions:
Quite frequently people with BPD have a very hard time controlling their emotions. They may feel ruled by them. One researcher (Marsha Linehan) said, "People with BPD are like people with third degree burns over 90% of their bodies. Lacking emotional skin, they feel agony at the slightest touch or movement."1. Shifts in mood lasting only a few hours.
2. Anger that is inappropriate, intense or uncontrollable.
Traits involving behavior:
3. Self-destructive acts, such as self-mutilation or suicidal threats and gestures that happen more than once4. Two potentially self-damaging impulsive behaviors. These could include alcohol and other drug abuse, compulsive spending, gambling, eating disorders, shoplifting, reckless driving, compulsive sexual behavior.
Traits involving identity
5. Marked, persistent identity disturbance shown by uncertainty in at least two areas. These areas can include self-image, sexual orientation, career choice or other long-term goals, friendships, values. People with BPD may not feel like they know who they are, or what they think, or what their opinions are, or what religion they should be. Instead, they may try to be what they think other people want them to be. Someone with BPD said, "I have a hard time figuring out my personality. I tend to be whomever I'm with."6. Chronic feelings of emptiness or boredom. Someone with BPD said, "I remember describing the feeling of having a deep hole in my stomach. An emptiness that I didn't know how to fill. My therapist told me that was from almost a "lack of a life". The more things you get into your life, the more relationships you get involved in, all of that fills that hole. As a borderline, I had no life. There were times when I couldn't stay in the same room with other people. It almost felt like what I think a panic attack would feel like."
Traits involving relationships
7. Unstable, chaotic intense relationships characterized by splitting (see below).8. Frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment
- Splitting: the self and others are viewed as "all good" or "all bad." Someone with BPD said, "One day I would think my doctor was the best and I loved her, but if she challenged me in any way I hated her. There was no middle ground as in like. In my world, people were either the best or the worst. I couldn't understand the concept of middle ground."
- Alternating clinging and distancing behaviors (I Hate You, Don't Leave Me). Sometimes you want to be close to someone. But when you get close it feels TOO close and you feel like you have to get some space. This happens often.
- Great difficulty trusting people and themselves. Early trust may have been shattered by people who were close to you.
- Sensitivity to criticism or rejection.
- Feeling of "needing" someone else to survive
- Heavy need for affection and reassurance
- Some people with BPD may have an unusually high degree of interpersonal sensitivity, insight and empathy
9. Transient, stress-related paranoid ideation or severe dissociative symptoms
This means feeling "out of it," or not being able to remember what you said or did. This mostly happens in times of severe stress.
Miscellaneous attributes of people with BPD:
- People with BPD are often bright, witty, funny, life of the party.
- They may have problems with object constancy. When a person leaves (even temporarily), they may have a problem recreating or remembering feelings of love that were present between themselves and the other. Often, BPD patients want to keep something belonging to the loved one around during separations.
- They frequently have difficulty tolerating aloneness, even for short periods of time.
- Their lives may be a chaotic landscape of job losses, interrupted educational pursuits, broken engagements, hospitalizations.
- Many have a background of childhood physical, sexual, or emotional abuse or physical/emotional neglect.
Source from:
Alright, so that was only one article, but still I think you probably get the point by now. If not, just google "borderline personality disorder". Trust me there are no shortages of information. However, that was probably the best article I have ever found. It was most informative. Anyway, I need to go do things I don't want to do.
Brandi Evans
Monday, August 8, 2011
I have poured out my heart, laid it right here for you. I've tried so hard, that's the best that I can do...
I have BPD. A fact I'm horribly ashamed about. But the shame I feel just for having it, is not near as bad as when I involuntarily do something symptomatic, such as randomly crying for no reason, or losing my temper to inappropriate proportions over really stupid things. It happens more often than you'd think. I've learned more about BPD in the last few days than I ever did in therapy. Granted, once I was re diagnosed, I was only in therapy about a month. Anyway I suppose to give you a clearer picture of how I got here, I need to go back to where it started...
It was the summer between 7th and 8th grade the first time I seriously considered suicide. I was 13 years old. And I didn't think things could get any worse. I'm not really going to give you the full version of what happened to get me to that point but I'll give you somewhat of a readers digest version.
Things had been increasingly difficult at home. I won't say why, but things.. really sucked, and what sucked more? No one believed me. My mother thought it would be best to send me to my Aunt and Uncle in Alaska for a while. I didn't want to go, in fact I really needed her. It was clear that she couldn't handle me being around though, and off I went.
As upset as I was over the things that had happened and the actions that were taken, along with the general demeanor aimed at me, I was still dealing rather well. Albeit incredibly depressed, and increasingly angry. I had stayed with my Aunt and Uncle before when I was 7, but not for very long. They had some issues and I ended up staying with my cousin, who was barely old enough to be on her own at the time, much less take care of me. This time, they swore would be different. They were going to get me a bike (there was no car, so bikes were the mode of transport, luckily it was summer time.), and enroll me in school when it started back up, and we were going to do all these cool things, and they would even let me have a dog, something my parents had never let me have. Honestly I was starting to feel somewhat relieved. Things were alright there for a while. They believed me, when I told them about what had happened back home, and that too was a relief. I was ready to just stay there. Things seemed to be looking up, and I honestly was still so angry, I never wanted to go home. And true to their word, I got a bike, and a dog.
About a month after moving in with them, things started to change. My uncle seemed to get mad at me all the time over silly things, and they were always drinking. The first argument my uncle and I had, was over the fact I hadn't made any friends, and I was pretty much always at the house. I did leave occasionally, I had a cousin a year older than me, Alexis, that I spent a little bit of time with, but I was never gone for as long as he wanted me to be gone I guess. There was at least one day, he told me to go find some friends and not to come home until I did. I went over to Alexis' house. Where was I supposed to find friends? I've never really been a very social person. And I got along better with people older than me. Alexis took me to meet some of her friends, all guys mind you, and all older than us. Scott and Dillon (Brothers), Nathan, and Brandon all ranging in ages from 15-18. Alexis was sleeping with Scott and Dillon. I had a bit of a crush on Nathan, he was really cute.. and 17.
When he wanted to be my boyfriend, I thought for sure everything really was going to be okay.
I had a lot of freedom with my aunt and uncle. They were always telling me if I wanted to try drugs, they'd get them for me, because they didn't want me doing them somewhere else (I never did though). I could have friends over, but not when they weren't home. And I could pretty much go where ever I wanted, whenever I wanted. Alexis would sneak out in the middle of the night and come get me, or she'd tell her parents she was spending the night with me. Either way there were several nights we were roaming around Kenai in the middle of the night. Not that you could tell... It doesn't get completely dark in the summer.
Scott and Dillon lived across the street from me, and Nathan lived in the house behind them. Brandon lived somewhere in town I think I don't really remember. We were never ALL together at once. But Alexis and I frequently snuck over to Scott and Dillon's, and one of them would sneak us in. I can't remember if it was Scott or Dillon the first time we were there, I think Scott but who knows. Nathan was there, that was really all I cared about. That was the first time anything ever really felt real to me. Relationship wise. I was 13, and incredibly naive though. I should have known that there would be no way in hell a 17 year old could have ever REALLY been interested in me. I was only 13!!! I barely spoke, and hardly ever even smiled much less anything else. I was stupid. And I really needed to feel like someone, anyone, gave a damn about me.
Scott and Dillon shared a room, so there were two beds in there. Alexis proceeded to be a total whore and well you catch my drift there. The part that got me, was Nathan didn't actually try to do anything with me... we pretty much just sat there and laughed at the effed up noises Alexis and whoever were making. And that was fine with me, because I was scared he would.
The next day he had Alexis call me to break up with me for him because I didn't sleep with him.
All literature you'll read on BPD, states that they pretty much won't diagnose you BPD until you're an adult. But I can tell you, this was the very first full out BPD outburst I had ever had. And it hurt like hell.
She asked if I was okay and I said I was, hung up the phone, and went into my room. I didn't have a door, so I was trying to stay calm. I didn't know my aunt and uncle well enough to freak out where they could hear me... but I sat there on my bed crying and I could feel full control slipping. I just kept getting more and more upset. No one wanted me. I had already been through hell, already felt horrible about myself, and then just when I was starting to feel better, to feel wanted, BAM. Gone again. What had I done to deserve any of it? I must be a really bad person. I threw things all over my room and screamed and screamed at the top of my lungs. My aunt called Alexis to find out what had happened because I just kept screaming, and I wouldn't answer. She told her, and then asked to talk to me, but I couldn't. I calmed down about an hour later, but nothing was ever really the same. I hated Nathan. And I didn't spend a whole lot of time with Alexis after that but I still did. In fact not too long later we were back at Scott and Dillon's, she was sleeping with Dillon, I'd discovered I liked Brandon, and he was there too. We were laying on the other bed, he was holding me and it was really nice. I felt safe. He tried to kiss me and I would have done whatever he wanted... but I had never kissed before, and I was embarrassed. He took me turning my head to mean I didn't want him to kiss me.. but I did. I was just scared. He was still nice to me though after.
Not too long after that I got sick. I was sleeping one night and woke up to my aunt and uncle fighting. Screaming at each other is actually more accurate. My aunt was diabetic. I heard her tell him she was just going to kill herself. He told her to go ahead, and she ran to their room and shut and locked the door. There was a window in the living room that lead to their bedroom. I got up pretending to get some water. My uncle asked what I was doing up, and I told him to go through the window. He went and looked through it, turned to me and said "well you're aunt just killed herself. She's overdosing on insulin." I started crying and freaking out (justifiably). She came out, and swore and swore she didn't do anything and put me back to bed. I didn't go back to sleep, I laid there listening. She was on the phone with her friend, swearing to her as well that she hadn't done anything... it was quiet for a minute, and I heard her hit the floor.
I ran in there, screaming. My uncle was calling 911 and screaming at me to push on her chest. I did, while screaming SCREAMING at her to wake up, along with "If you did it, I'll do it too, I swear to God I'll do it too." Ambulance got there and took her to the hospital. I had to ride my bike over to Alexis' It couldn't have been earlier than like 1am.
She lived, but she didn't remember any of it. She was in the hospital for something like a week.
Tensions grew tighter between my uncle and I. There was never any food in the house.. he was always mad at me. And I'd grown increasingly depressed. I stopped leaving the house altogether, except when he made me go walk my dog. I stayed in bed until they made me get up. I really wanted to die. And that was the first time I realized it. I couldn't take any more. Things just kept getting worse, and I couldn't make it stop.
Finally one day, my uncle came storming into my room waking me up telling me to do the dishes. I couldn't understand how there WERE dishes, I hadn't eaten in days because there were only condiments in the fridge, no food. I got up angrily and started doing them... him bitching at me the whole time. I was washing a knife and accidentally cut myself, and started to cry. It didn't hurt, it just scared me.. mostly that it didn't hurt. He came unglued. Yelling and screaming at me. I can't remember what he was yelling, only that it was mean and only made me feel worse. I ran into my room, grabbed my pillow and got under my bed. I stayed there for days. Then one day he came in and told me I was going to live with his sister and her husband.
Awesome. You don't want me either.
At this point I'll skip forward a bit. His sister and her husband had a 9 year old daughter, Valerie. They lived in the middle of no where. Literally. It took forever to get there, and "there" turned out to be a broken down school bus. No plumbing....Just a school bus. And an outhouse. I remember very clearly, being on my period when I got there, and I had at least one more before I got to leave. Valerie was really annoying. It probably wasn't really her though that was bothering me. Her parents insisted we stayed outside all day, she talked a lot. I just wanted to die. I had considered running away but figured being eaten by a bear would probably not be a very peaceful way to die. They had a neighbor that would let me get a drink of water from their hose every once in a while. All my clothes were dirty, I couldn't have a shower. And the one time, they took my clothes to wash them, they ended up flipping their vehicle and all my clothes went into the river. What they could get they brought back, covered in mud. I finally had had enough. The only logical thing I could think to do, was call my mother. Surely she would come get me. Surely I had been punished enough. Although I wasn't sure what I was being punished for.. talking I suppose.
It seemed like I'd walked forever before I found a house (the people that lived close to us weren't home). But finally I did find one. It wasn't a much better situation than what I was in, but I hoped with all my being that whoever lived there was home and had a phone. He was, and he did. He was a little bitchy when I asked to use it but I swore I was calling collect and he wouldn't be charged. I tried to call my mom, no answer, and with collect you can't leave a message. Alexis had been mad at me but she was the only other person I could think to call, so I tried her. As mad at me as she was, she was shocked to find out where I was... I begged and pleaded her to call my mother, collect even, just to keep trying until she got her and tell her where I was. I don't actually know if she did or not. But it wasn't long before they told me that my mom was coming to get me.
I later found out that, every time my mom called to talk to me my aunt and uncle were telling her I was out with Alexis and she finally got suspicious when she'd call them, then Alexis, then my other cousin Angie, and I was never with any of them and they hadn't seen me in a while. So she flew up to find me. She'd been sending them money to take care of me... they were spending it all on drugs.
When she got there, I was dirty and muddy, and smelled horrible because I hadn't showered in at least a month, if not more. She watched me pick my clothes out of this pile of mud that was what was left from them going in the river. We got into a cab and went back to my aunt and uncles... where the fridge was packed with food, and they acted like nothing was wrong, I'd been there the whole time. It was bullshit. They'd gotten rid of my dog, and my bike. Mom and I went home.
Things were just as shitty back home. And I had started cutting and trying to come up with a viable way to kill myself. I can't even describe how much pain I was in, on a constant basis. I felt like everyone hated me. No one was really talking to me, and I had never felt more alone. I felt like there was something seriously wrong with me and I didn't know what to do or how to handle it. It really seemed like everyone hated me and I finally got to where I didn't blame them at all. I hated me too. I don't remember the different things I tried to kill myself. There were a lot. Cutting, mostly. It didn't hurt at all, somehow it kind of made me feel better. Not even just the feel of razors, but even the sight of my blood made me feel a little better. Like, I was bleeding out the pain inside that was suffocating me. I tried to drown myself and hang myself a few times but I couldn't go through with it. Finding time was difficult as well, I was no longer allowed to be alone by myself. Even though up to that point, I hadn't even threatened suicide, except to my aunt when she almost succeeded.
At 15, a suicide attempt landed me in the hospital. By this time I was allowed to be alone, but not for a long time. My mom had to be out of the house by 5:30 every morning for work, so she'd wake me up and I'd get ready for school. I had about an hour and half before the bus came (on days I took the bus) to get ready for school and I spent that time alone. I'd get ready for school and then get online for a while. That particular morning I was on the Internet chatting with Jon, who is now my husband. He doesn't remember talking to me that morning, but he was. I told him I was going to take a bottle of pills. I had missed my bus and planned on catching it somewhere else. I ended up taking two bottles of diet pills. Lame I know, but they were all I could get hold of and I was bound and determined to make it work. I wasn't even really upset about anything in particular that morning, I just wanted to die. I hated my life. Everything about it, nothing was getting better, I still felt as if no one loved me anymore. I just didn't see the point of living. I felt totally empty and pointless. I took the pills, and went out to catch the bus. I barely remember the ride there.
Once I got to school, I went out to the hall to sit with my friends. I was sooo thirsty, and I felt so out of it and weird. Jon came out to see if I had actually done it. There was no way of mistaking that I had. I could barely stand up. He told my friends what I had done, and a few other people. I can't remember who it was but someone went to the office and told them what I had done and I got called up there. When they asked why I did it, I started crying and said I wanted to die. And it was the truth. It's still the truth. They took me to the emergency room, but they couldn't treat me until my mom got there.
I wasn't there long before my mom and Amber showed up, they worked an hour away but it didn't take them even close to that long to get there. By the time the ER started to treat me, I was going into shock. I was dependant on an IV. I was in the ER for 9 hours. Awake. They kept taking blood, and changing out my IV. I kept having to go to the bathroom, where a nurse insisted on watching. They spent quite a while trying to find a psychiatric hospital that would take me, being IV dependant. There was a good chance I was going to end up in a different state, but I didn't. Timberlawn in Dallas took me.
It was there I was diagnosed as Bipolar. It was also there, that my mom told me my aunt in Alaska, was dead. We still don't know exactly what happened. There are theories but I think she probably committed suicide.
I faked my way out of the hospital. I stayed as calm as possible, was nice and followed directions, even the ones I thought were stupid. Kept my mouth shut, and talked about whatever they wanted me to talk about. After about a week I decided I'd had enough, told my doctor I was feeling better than I had in a really long time, thanked her, and asked to go home. I got to leave the next day. It was a total lie. By the time I got to the car, I was already planning my next attempt. Turned out the meds they put me on only made it worse. Every other month they'd have to change my prescription because nothing was working. I'd take them for a week or so, then hide them and store them. When I thought I had enough saved to succeed, I'd take them all. My family knew. But they never took me back to the doctor or anything. I was in mandatory therapy for a while after I got out of the hospital, but when that was up, mom took me out of it.
About 2 years ago, I was living in Wyoming with a boyfriend. There was a place that offered discounted therapy, and I was having a hard time controlling myself. I was getting mad all the time over stupid things, and blowing them way out of proportion. I cried nearly everyday and my moods were changing so fast, and being so mixed up, I couldn't tell what exactly it was that I was feeling but it hurt. Bad. It was like feeling every single emotion in the world as intensely as possible.. all at once. And I couldn't take it. I started going to therapy, where she informed me that I am not in fact, bipolar. I have Borderline Personality Disorder.
For years all I've heard is how this is all in my head. I shouldn't be so sad all the time. It's selfish to want to end my life. I'm just overly dramatic. I just want attention. It could be worse. There are people that have way worse lives than I do. I need to stop pitying myself and get over it. I need to stop being so crazy all the time.
Well, the thing is, I can't. I want to be loved, yes. But I don't know how to accept love. I'm not even really sure it exists. There are people that tell me they love me, my mom, my husband, my sister, cousins..... But I can't believe them. I find it hard to believe anyone could ever love me. How could they? I don't love me, I hate me. I'm afraid of everyone, because everyone always leaves. My mom left me at one point, boyfriends have gone, friends have moved, my sister is about to move. I'm married now but he doesn't understand. And one day he'll leave me too, because eventually everyone leaves.
And then theres the pain. There doesn't necessarily have to be a reason for it, sometimes I just really hurt. Sometimes I cry and I don't even know why. Little things that don't matter at all send me into a total rage, that's like watching it from a 3rd person point of view. I hear all the awful things I'm saying.. I see the bad I'm doing.. but I can't stop. All I know is that it hurts, and I'll do anything to make it stop. And if you're too close when I break, I will hurt you. Whether it be mentally or physically it doesn't really matter, but I can't stop until the pain does. I don't want to hurt anyone, but I do.
I'm incredibly impulsive. I cannot plan for things, because planning doesn't work. So I make a decision and do it right then. No matter what it is. I don't even think about it. I just do it, even stupid and reckless things seem logical sometimes. And I hurt people with my impulsivity as well. Without much regard for how they feel. Because I don't understand that I've done anything wrong, or I don't see how it was wrong.
Over the last few years, I've gotten to where I don't want to do anything. Nothing holds any real interest for me at all. I don't want to go anywhere, I don't want to do anything, I don't want to see anyone. I hate me. And I'm sure everyone else does too. I see people when I have to be out of the house, and I can see them judging me. I realize that it's irrational, but I can't make it stop. I just know everyone is thinking horrible things about me. There are days I can't leave the house at all. Not even for work. I just wake up feeling so bad about my life and everything I can't even function. And then there are times, when I don't feel anything at all. I don't feel good, I don't feel bad, I don't care about anything, or really anyone, I just.. don't feel. It usually doesn't last more than a few days, but I know it's wrong. I know I'm wrong. If I'm not horribly sad, I feel empty, unimportant, worthless, useless, hopeless. I'm just wasting space. Wasting time. Like everyone would be much better off without me.
It's total hell. If I feel, I'm scared all the time. I don't know when I'm gonna just snap. I don't know when the pain is going to just overwhelm me. I don't know what is going to cause it, or who I'm going to hurt when it happens. It doesn't take anything at all to make me break. A wrong look from someone, a certain word or sentence, sometimes songs or smells, or sounds. I don't know what will trigger it, but I know something will and it's terrifying.
I spend my days so sad. And there is not a day that goes by, that I don't want to die. I haven't actually put forth a real effort to die in six years, because what's the point? It never works no matter how hard I try. The only thing it accomplishes is making everyone even more pissed off at me, and thinking I'm only doing it for attention. I'm not. I'm in a lot of pain. All the time. I don't want everyone mad at me. And I'm not being selfish by wanting to die. I personally think it's selfish of other people to guilt me into staying here, when my very existence is excruciating. I feel really guilty for the pain I put everyone through. But no one understands how much pain I'm in. I can't just NOT feel this way. And making me feel bad about feeling, only makes it worse. I beat myself up constantly. I feel bad about myself already. I don't need any help with that. I can't even make plans, or commit to 15 weeks of bowling with my husband, because I don't think I can do the same thing every week for that long. I hate that I'm disappointing him but I don't want to leave the house as it is, and forcing me to do things when I don't want to only makes it worse too.
I have this need to be around people. I get way too attached to people entirely too easily. I'm constantly setting myself up for bad things to happen. I married my husband after 6 months of dating. We got married on October 1, 2010. Today is August 8, 2011 and I've tried to leave him about 8 times. I just get SO mad at him.. for usually really stupid things, like him making a annoying noise, or saying something annoying. And I get mad and it festers, until every horrible emotion about anything I have EVER felt, comes CRASHING in on me. And I yell and scream and hit and throw things, or get really really depressed and threaten to kill myself which according to something Jon read, is 4th degree domestic abuse. Or even a combination of both. And when It stops, I apologize and beg him not leave me, whether he was planning on it or not. I honestly don't know why he hasn't left me yet. I put him through total hell all the time. I don't want to hurt him, I don't want to hurt anyone. I say such hurtful things to him when I'm mad, and I realize I'm being irrational and crazy, but I can't stop.
I discovered in the last few days, that about 90% of the things I do, say, and think are symptomatic. My life is almost entirely run but this disorder. and I literally don't know who I am. It seems all I am is this, horrible girl with a broken brain. For the longest time I couldn't figure out why I could feel SO bad ALL the time. Why I couldn't even go into a store by myself without my brain screaming awful things at me, about me. Telling myself I'm horrible awful and evil, and everyone here thinks so too. I'm just a fat worthless excuse for a human being and I don't deserve to live.. and it's right. The worst part is, everyone else can get away from me. But I'm stuck with myself until I die.
I used to have these awful nightmares. I still have a lot of nightmares but the possession ones are fewer and further between. The dreams were always different, but the same. By the end, I was possessed by a demon, and it terrified me, but at the same time it felt good. It was how the beginning of an "episode" feels. This massive buildup in your chest and stomach... chest feels tight like it could explode, stomach feels sick, arms and legs kind of tingle. And in the dream, I would start to change, my eyes would gloss over, and I'd start to scream this awful horrible scream a human could not possibly make. And then I'd be this violent screaming demon, hitting people I loved and hurting them however I could. The difference between the dream and reality, is when I'm having an episode, the building pain doesn't feel good, it just gets more and more painful, and even when it starts to calm, it isn't a good feeling. In the dream, once it starts to build its almost a euphoric feeling mixed with pain, excitement even. And it was horribly terrifying, but good at the same time. They only made me feel more evil. More afraid of myself, as if I could actually be capable of really hurting someone, and not feel bad about it. Sometimes even when I'm not asleep, I feel incredibly evil. As if something just takes over.
The reason I started this blog, is because I'm hoping it will not only help me, but also help the people around me understand. My husband thinks I can just, calm down and be normal if I wanted to, but I can't. I want to, trust me I do. If I could make the pain go away, I'd do anything. But I can't. I tried to find a therapist, but there are only two close to here that treat BPD and I can't afford them. A lot of therapists, won't treat people with Axis II disorders because we tend to be violent and uncooperative with treatment. But I'm telling you right now, if I had a way to get rid of this, that I could afford, and someone was willing to help me, I'd do whatever it took to stick with it and cooperate as much as I possibly could.
I joined this group type thing on facebook. BPD Recovery. Which was actually kind of pointless. It doesn't help at all. But I did make a new friend from it. Lindsay, shes from Florida. I was talking with her a few nights ago, and she told me some pretty interesting things I didn't know about BPD. She told me the average age of death for people with BPD, is 32. She also showed me this video that her doctor made, and it was actually sort of helpful.
In other words (if you watched the video) there are times, when parts of my brain literally don't work. And that sucks. I'm sorry this was so long. I didn't mean for it to be. But hopefully you have a greater understanding of me. There are times when I have clarity. Unfortunately those times are relatively few and far between. I have a hard time even watching movies or reading books, simply because they make me feel like I'm not real. Or I'm envious that other people can be that happy. I don't know what happy even feels like. And that's truly awful. So there's a peak into my personal hell. The never-ending nightmare that is my life.
Brandi Evans
It was the summer between 7th and 8th grade the first time I seriously considered suicide. I was 13 years old. And I didn't think things could get any worse. I'm not really going to give you the full version of what happened to get me to that point but I'll give you somewhat of a readers digest version.
Things had been increasingly difficult at home. I won't say why, but things.. really sucked, and what sucked more? No one believed me. My mother thought it would be best to send me to my Aunt and Uncle in Alaska for a while. I didn't want to go, in fact I really needed her. It was clear that she couldn't handle me being around though, and off I went.
As upset as I was over the things that had happened and the actions that were taken, along with the general demeanor aimed at me, I was still dealing rather well. Albeit incredibly depressed, and increasingly angry. I had stayed with my Aunt and Uncle before when I was 7, but not for very long. They had some issues and I ended up staying with my cousin, who was barely old enough to be on her own at the time, much less take care of me. This time, they swore would be different. They were going to get me a bike (there was no car, so bikes were the mode of transport, luckily it was summer time.), and enroll me in school when it started back up, and we were going to do all these cool things, and they would even let me have a dog, something my parents had never let me have. Honestly I was starting to feel somewhat relieved. Things were alright there for a while. They believed me, when I told them about what had happened back home, and that too was a relief. I was ready to just stay there. Things seemed to be looking up, and I honestly was still so angry, I never wanted to go home. And true to their word, I got a bike, and a dog.
About a month after moving in with them, things started to change. My uncle seemed to get mad at me all the time over silly things, and they were always drinking. The first argument my uncle and I had, was over the fact I hadn't made any friends, and I was pretty much always at the house. I did leave occasionally, I had a cousin a year older than me, Alexis, that I spent a little bit of time with, but I was never gone for as long as he wanted me to be gone I guess. There was at least one day, he told me to go find some friends and not to come home until I did. I went over to Alexis' house. Where was I supposed to find friends? I've never really been a very social person. And I got along better with people older than me. Alexis took me to meet some of her friends, all guys mind you, and all older than us. Scott and Dillon (Brothers), Nathan, and Brandon all ranging in ages from 15-18. Alexis was sleeping with Scott and Dillon. I had a bit of a crush on Nathan, he was really cute.. and 17.
When he wanted to be my boyfriend, I thought for sure everything really was going to be okay.
I had a lot of freedom with my aunt and uncle. They were always telling me if I wanted to try drugs, they'd get them for me, because they didn't want me doing them somewhere else (I never did though). I could have friends over, but not when they weren't home. And I could pretty much go where ever I wanted, whenever I wanted. Alexis would sneak out in the middle of the night and come get me, or she'd tell her parents she was spending the night with me. Either way there were several nights we were roaming around Kenai in the middle of the night. Not that you could tell... It doesn't get completely dark in the summer.
Scott and Dillon lived across the street from me, and Nathan lived in the house behind them. Brandon lived somewhere in town I think I don't really remember. We were never ALL together at once. But Alexis and I frequently snuck over to Scott and Dillon's, and one of them would sneak us in. I can't remember if it was Scott or Dillon the first time we were there, I think Scott but who knows. Nathan was there, that was really all I cared about. That was the first time anything ever really felt real to me. Relationship wise. I was 13, and incredibly naive though. I should have known that there would be no way in hell a 17 year old could have ever REALLY been interested in me. I was only 13!!! I barely spoke, and hardly ever even smiled much less anything else. I was stupid. And I really needed to feel like someone, anyone, gave a damn about me.
Scott and Dillon shared a room, so there were two beds in there. Alexis proceeded to be a total whore and well you catch my drift there. The part that got me, was Nathan didn't actually try to do anything with me... we pretty much just sat there and laughed at the effed up noises Alexis and whoever were making. And that was fine with me, because I was scared he would.
The next day he had Alexis call me to break up with me for him because I didn't sleep with him.
All literature you'll read on BPD, states that they pretty much won't diagnose you BPD until you're an adult. But I can tell you, this was the very first full out BPD outburst I had ever had. And it hurt like hell.
She asked if I was okay and I said I was, hung up the phone, and went into my room. I didn't have a door, so I was trying to stay calm. I didn't know my aunt and uncle well enough to freak out where they could hear me... but I sat there on my bed crying and I could feel full control slipping. I just kept getting more and more upset. No one wanted me. I had already been through hell, already felt horrible about myself, and then just when I was starting to feel better, to feel wanted, BAM. Gone again. What had I done to deserve any of it? I must be a really bad person. I threw things all over my room and screamed and screamed at the top of my lungs. My aunt called Alexis to find out what had happened because I just kept screaming, and I wouldn't answer. She told her, and then asked to talk to me, but I couldn't. I calmed down about an hour later, but nothing was ever really the same. I hated Nathan. And I didn't spend a whole lot of time with Alexis after that but I still did. In fact not too long later we were back at Scott and Dillon's, she was sleeping with Dillon, I'd discovered I liked Brandon, and he was there too. We were laying on the other bed, he was holding me and it was really nice. I felt safe. He tried to kiss me and I would have done whatever he wanted... but I had never kissed before, and I was embarrassed. He took me turning my head to mean I didn't want him to kiss me.. but I did. I was just scared. He was still nice to me though after.
Not too long after that I got sick. I was sleeping one night and woke up to my aunt and uncle fighting. Screaming at each other is actually more accurate. My aunt was diabetic. I heard her tell him she was just going to kill herself. He told her to go ahead, and she ran to their room and shut and locked the door. There was a window in the living room that lead to their bedroom. I got up pretending to get some water. My uncle asked what I was doing up, and I told him to go through the window. He went and looked through it, turned to me and said "well you're aunt just killed herself. She's overdosing on insulin." I started crying and freaking out (justifiably). She came out, and swore and swore she didn't do anything and put me back to bed. I didn't go back to sleep, I laid there listening. She was on the phone with her friend, swearing to her as well that she hadn't done anything... it was quiet for a minute, and I heard her hit the floor.
I ran in there, screaming. My uncle was calling 911 and screaming at me to push on her chest. I did, while screaming SCREAMING at her to wake up, along with "If you did it, I'll do it too, I swear to God I'll do it too." Ambulance got there and took her to the hospital. I had to ride my bike over to Alexis' It couldn't have been earlier than like 1am.
She lived, but she didn't remember any of it. She was in the hospital for something like a week.
Tensions grew tighter between my uncle and I. There was never any food in the house.. he was always mad at me. And I'd grown increasingly depressed. I stopped leaving the house altogether, except when he made me go walk my dog. I stayed in bed until they made me get up. I really wanted to die. And that was the first time I realized it. I couldn't take any more. Things just kept getting worse, and I couldn't make it stop.
Finally one day, my uncle came storming into my room waking me up telling me to do the dishes. I couldn't understand how there WERE dishes, I hadn't eaten in days because there were only condiments in the fridge, no food. I got up angrily and started doing them... him bitching at me the whole time. I was washing a knife and accidentally cut myself, and started to cry. It didn't hurt, it just scared me.. mostly that it didn't hurt. He came unglued. Yelling and screaming at me. I can't remember what he was yelling, only that it was mean and only made me feel worse. I ran into my room, grabbed my pillow and got under my bed. I stayed there for days. Then one day he came in and told me I was going to live with his sister and her husband.
Awesome. You don't want me either.
At this point I'll skip forward a bit. His sister and her husband had a 9 year old daughter, Valerie. They lived in the middle of no where. Literally. It took forever to get there, and "there" turned out to be a broken down school bus. No plumbing....Just a school bus. And an outhouse. I remember very clearly, being on my period when I got there, and I had at least one more before I got to leave. Valerie was really annoying. It probably wasn't really her though that was bothering me. Her parents insisted we stayed outside all day, she talked a lot. I just wanted to die. I had considered running away but figured being eaten by a bear would probably not be a very peaceful way to die. They had a neighbor that would let me get a drink of water from their hose every once in a while. All my clothes were dirty, I couldn't have a shower. And the one time, they took my clothes to wash them, they ended up flipping their vehicle and all my clothes went into the river. What they could get they brought back, covered in mud. I finally had had enough. The only logical thing I could think to do, was call my mother. Surely she would come get me. Surely I had been punished enough. Although I wasn't sure what I was being punished for.. talking I suppose.
It seemed like I'd walked forever before I found a house (the people that lived close to us weren't home). But finally I did find one. It wasn't a much better situation than what I was in, but I hoped with all my being that whoever lived there was home and had a phone. He was, and he did. He was a little bitchy when I asked to use it but I swore I was calling collect and he wouldn't be charged. I tried to call my mom, no answer, and with collect you can't leave a message. Alexis had been mad at me but she was the only other person I could think to call, so I tried her. As mad at me as she was, she was shocked to find out where I was... I begged and pleaded her to call my mother, collect even, just to keep trying until she got her and tell her where I was. I don't actually know if she did or not. But it wasn't long before they told me that my mom was coming to get me.
I later found out that, every time my mom called to talk to me my aunt and uncle were telling her I was out with Alexis and she finally got suspicious when she'd call them, then Alexis, then my other cousin Angie, and I was never with any of them and they hadn't seen me in a while. So she flew up to find me. She'd been sending them money to take care of me... they were spending it all on drugs.
When she got there, I was dirty and muddy, and smelled horrible because I hadn't showered in at least a month, if not more. She watched me pick my clothes out of this pile of mud that was what was left from them going in the river. We got into a cab and went back to my aunt and uncles... where the fridge was packed with food, and they acted like nothing was wrong, I'd been there the whole time. It was bullshit. They'd gotten rid of my dog, and my bike. Mom and I went home.
Things were just as shitty back home. And I had started cutting and trying to come up with a viable way to kill myself. I can't even describe how much pain I was in, on a constant basis. I felt like everyone hated me. No one was really talking to me, and I had never felt more alone. I felt like there was something seriously wrong with me and I didn't know what to do or how to handle it. It really seemed like everyone hated me and I finally got to where I didn't blame them at all. I hated me too. I don't remember the different things I tried to kill myself. There were a lot. Cutting, mostly. It didn't hurt at all, somehow it kind of made me feel better. Not even just the feel of razors, but even the sight of my blood made me feel a little better. Like, I was bleeding out the pain inside that was suffocating me. I tried to drown myself and hang myself a few times but I couldn't go through with it. Finding time was difficult as well, I was no longer allowed to be alone by myself. Even though up to that point, I hadn't even threatened suicide, except to my aunt when she almost succeeded.
At 15, a suicide attempt landed me in the hospital. By this time I was allowed to be alone, but not for a long time. My mom had to be out of the house by 5:30 every morning for work, so she'd wake me up and I'd get ready for school. I had about an hour and half before the bus came (on days I took the bus) to get ready for school and I spent that time alone. I'd get ready for school and then get online for a while. That particular morning I was on the Internet chatting with Jon, who is now my husband. He doesn't remember talking to me that morning, but he was. I told him I was going to take a bottle of pills. I had missed my bus and planned on catching it somewhere else. I ended up taking two bottles of diet pills. Lame I know, but they were all I could get hold of and I was bound and determined to make it work. I wasn't even really upset about anything in particular that morning, I just wanted to die. I hated my life. Everything about it, nothing was getting better, I still felt as if no one loved me anymore. I just didn't see the point of living. I felt totally empty and pointless. I took the pills, and went out to catch the bus. I barely remember the ride there.
Once I got to school, I went out to the hall to sit with my friends. I was sooo thirsty, and I felt so out of it and weird. Jon came out to see if I had actually done it. There was no way of mistaking that I had. I could barely stand up. He told my friends what I had done, and a few other people. I can't remember who it was but someone went to the office and told them what I had done and I got called up there. When they asked why I did it, I started crying and said I wanted to die. And it was the truth. It's still the truth. They took me to the emergency room, but they couldn't treat me until my mom got there.
I wasn't there long before my mom and Amber showed up, they worked an hour away but it didn't take them even close to that long to get there. By the time the ER started to treat me, I was going into shock. I was dependant on an IV. I was in the ER for 9 hours. Awake. They kept taking blood, and changing out my IV. I kept having to go to the bathroom, where a nurse insisted on watching. They spent quite a while trying to find a psychiatric hospital that would take me, being IV dependant. There was a good chance I was going to end up in a different state, but I didn't. Timberlawn in Dallas took me.
It was there I was diagnosed as Bipolar. It was also there, that my mom told me my aunt in Alaska, was dead. We still don't know exactly what happened. There are theories but I think she probably committed suicide.
I faked my way out of the hospital. I stayed as calm as possible, was nice and followed directions, even the ones I thought were stupid. Kept my mouth shut, and talked about whatever they wanted me to talk about. After about a week I decided I'd had enough, told my doctor I was feeling better than I had in a really long time, thanked her, and asked to go home. I got to leave the next day. It was a total lie. By the time I got to the car, I was already planning my next attempt. Turned out the meds they put me on only made it worse. Every other month they'd have to change my prescription because nothing was working. I'd take them for a week or so, then hide them and store them. When I thought I had enough saved to succeed, I'd take them all. My family knew. But they never took me back to the doctor or anything. I was in mandatory therapy for a while after I got out of the hospital, but when that was up, mom took me out of it.
About 2 years ago, I was living in Wyoming with a boyfriend. There was a place that offered discounted therapy, and I was having a hard time controlling myself. I was getting mad all the time over stupid things, and blowing them way out of proportion. I cried nearly everyday and my moods were changing so fast, and being so mixed up, I couldn't tell what exactly it was that I was feeling but it hurt. Bad. It was like feeling every single emotion in the world as intensely as possible.. all at once. And I couldn't take it. I started going to therapy, where she informed me that I am not in fact, bipolar. I have Borderline Personality Disorder.
For years all I've heard is how this is all in my head. I shouldn't be so sad all the time. It's selfish to want to end my life. I'm just overly dramatic. I just want attention. It could be worse. There are people that have way worse lives than I do. I need to stop pitying myself and get over it. I need to stop being so crazy all the time.
Well, the thing is, I can't. I want to be loved, yes. But I don't know how to accept love. I'm not even really sure it exists. There are people that tell me they love me, my mom, my husband, my sister, cousins..... But I can't believe them. I find it hard to believe anyone could ever love me. How could they? I don't love me, I hate me. I'm afraid of everyone, because everyone always leaves. My mom left me at one point, boyfriends have gone, friends have moved, my sister is about to move. I'm married now but he doesn't understand. And one day he'll leave me too, because eventually everyone leaves.
And then theres the pain. There doesn't necessarily have to be a reason for it, sometimes I just really hurt. Sometimes I cry and I don't even know why. Little things that don't matter at all send me into a total rage, that's like watching it from a 3rd person point of view. I hear all the awful things I'm saying.. I see the bad I'm doing.. but I can't stop. All I know is that it hurts, and I'll do anything to make it stop. And if you're too close when I break, I will hurt you. Whether it be mentally or physically it doesn't really matter, but I can't stop until the pain does. I don't want to hurt anyone, but I do.
I'm incredibly impulsive. I cannot plan for things, because planning doesn't work. So I make a decision and do it right then. No matter what it is. I don't even think about it. I just do it, even stupid and reckless things seem logical sometimes. And I hurt people with my impulsivity as well. Without much regard for how they feel. Because I don't understand that I've done anything wrong, or I don't see how it was wrong.
Over the last few years, I've gotten to where I don't want to do anything. Nothing holds any real interest for me at all. I don't want to go anywhere, I don't want to do anything, I don't want to see anyone. I hate me. And I'm sure everyone else does too. I see people when I have to be out of the house, and I can see them judging me. I realize that it's irrational, but I can't make it stop. I just know everyone is thinking horrible things about me. There are days I can't leave the house at all. Not even for work. I just wake up feeling so bad about my life and everything I can't even function. And then there are times, when I don't feel anything at all. I don't feel good, I don't feel bad, I don't care about anything, or really anyone, I just.. don't feel. It usually doesn't last more than a few days, but I know it's wrong. I know I'm wrong. If I'm not horribly sad, I feel empty, unimportant, worthless, useless, hopeless. I'm just wasting space. Wasting time. Like everyone would be much better off without me.
It's total hell. If I feel, I'm scared all the time. I don't know when I'm gonna just snap. I don't know when the pain is going to just overwhelm me. I don't know what is going to cause it, or who I'm going to hurt when it happens. It doesn't take anything at all to make me break. A wrong look from someone, a certain word or sentence, sometimes songs or smells, or sounds. I don't know what will trigger it, but I know something will and it's terrifying.
I spend my days so sad. And there is not a day that goes by, that I don't want to die. I haven't actually put forth a real effort to die in six years, because what's the point? It never works no matter how hard I try. The only thing it accomplishes is making everyone even more pissed off at me, and thinking I'm only doing it for attention. I'm not. I'm in a lot of pain. All the time. I don't want everyone mad at me. And I'm not being selfish by wanting to die. I personally think it's selfish of other people to guilt me into staying here, when my very existence is excruciating. I feel really guilty for the pain I put everyone through. But no one understands how much pain I'm in. I can't just NOT feel this way. And making me feel bad about feeling, only makes it worse. I beat myself up constantly. I feel bad about myself already. I don't need any help with that. I can't even make plans, or commit to 15 weeks of bowling with my husband, because I don't think I can do the same thing every week for that long. I hate that I'm disappointing him but I don't want to leave the house as it is, and forcing me to do things when I don't want to only makes it worse too.
I have this need to be around people. I get way too attached to people entirely too easily. I'm constantly setting myself up for bad things to happen. I married my husband after 6 months of dating. We got married on October 1, 2010. Today is August 8, 2011 and I've tried to leave him about 8 times. I just get SO mad at him.. for usually really stupid things, like him making a annoying noise, or saying something annoying. And I get mad and it festers, until every horrible emotion about anything I have EVER felt, comes CRASHING in on me. And I yell and scream and hit and throw things, or get really really depressed and threaten to kill myself which according to something Jon read, is 4th degree domestic abuse. Or even a combination of both. And when It stops, I apologize and beg him not leave me, whether he was planning on it or not. I honestly don't know why he hasn't left me yet. I put him through total hell all the time. I don't want to hurt him, I don't want to hurt anyone. I say such hurtful things to him when I'm mad, and I realize I'm being irrational and crazy, but I can't stop.
I discovered in the last few days, that about 90% of the things I do, say, and think are symptomatic. My life is almost entirely run but this disorder. and I literally don't know who I am. It seems all I am is this, horrible girl with a broken brain. For the longest time I couldn't figure out why I could feel SO bad ALL the time. Why I couldn't even go into a store by myself without my brain screaming awful things at me, about me. Telling myself I'm horrible awful and evil, and everyone here thinks so too. I'm just a fat worthless excuse for a human being and I don't deserve to live.. and it's right. The worst part is, everyone else can get away from me. But I'm stuck with myself until I die.
I used to have these awful nightmares. I still have a lot of nightmares but the possession ones are fewer and further between. The dreams were always different, but the same. By the end, I was possessed by a demon, and it terrified me, but at the same time it felt good. It was how the beginning of an "episode" feels. This massive buildup in your chest and stomach... chest feels tight like it could explode, stomach feels sick, arms and legs kind of tingle. And in the dream, I would start to change, my eyes would gloss over, and I'd start to scream this awful horrible scream a human could not possibly make. And then I'd be this violent screaming demon, hitting people I loved and hurting them however I could. The difference between the dream and reality, is when I'm having an episode, the building pain doesn't feel good, it just gets more and more painful, and even when it starts to calm, it isn't a good feeling. In the dream, once it starts to build its almost a euphoric feeling mixed with pain, excitement even. And it was horribly terrifying, but good at the same time. They only made me feel more evil. More afraid of myself, as if I could actually be capable of really hurting someone, and not feel bad about it. Sometimes even when I'm not asleep, I feel incredibly evil. As if something just takes over.
The reason I started this blog, is because I'm hoping it will not only help me, but also help the people around me understand. My husband thinks I can just, calm down and be normal if I wanted to, but I can't. I want to, trust me I do. If I could make the pain go away, I'd do anything. But I can't. I tried to find a therapist, but there are only two close to here that treat BPD and I can't afford them. A lot of therapists, won't treat people with Axis II disorders because we tend to be violent and uncooperative with treatment. But I'm telling you right now, if I had a way to get rid of this, that I could afford, and someone was willing to help me, I'd do whatever it took to stick with it and cooperate as much as I possibly could.
I joined this group type thing on facebook. BPD Recovery. Which was actually kind of pointless. It doesn't help at all. But I did make a new friend from it. Lindsay, shes from Florida. I was talking with her a few nights ago, and she told me some pretty interesting things I didn't know about BPD. She told me the average age of death for people with BPD, is 32. She also showed me this video that her doctor made, and it was actually sort of helpful.
In other words (if you watched the video) there are times, when parts of my brain literally don't work. And that sucks. I'm sorry this was so long. I didn't mean for it to be. But hopefully you have a greater understanding of me. There are times when I have clarity. Unfortunately those times are relatively few and far between. I have a hard time even watching movies or reading books, simply because they make me feel like I'm not real. Or I'm envious that other people can be that happy. I don't know what happy even feels like. And that's truly awful. So there's a peak into my personal hell. The never-ending nightmare that is my life.
Brandi Evans
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