Friday, August 12, 2011


I just... GRRRRRR damn it!!!!! I want this STUPID DAY TO BE OVER ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I only got 3 hours of sleep because I have to finish those damn wedding pictures for Jon's mom and I STILL have 35 left to do.... and then I almost hit a dog this morning (I didn't though) but even just that about sent me over the edge.... I get to work THE FREAKING A/C ISN'T WORKING.... This is TEXAS it's hotter than HELLLLLL here!!!!!! and to top it off.... I have to finish the bulletin for Sunday.. and that would be all well and good except THE F**KING PRINTER WON'T PRINT!!!! Do you KNOW how freaking USELESS Dell troubleshooting is?? TOTALLY EFFING POINTLESS!!!

And as for you judgemental asses who think that this is just stupid shit that I should just be able to get over because it's stupid. F**K YOU! You don't know ANYTHING about me! Ohhh God doesn't give a person more than they can handle... Are you f**king kidding me? Try living in my head for more than a day. I guarantee you couldn't do it. Do you think I LIKE having insignificant things send me totally over the edge? WELL I DON'T! okay, it really SUCKS. It hurts like hell and happens at horribly inopportune times, like now for instance. I'm at work, trying desperately not to throw a fit, and I'm now shaking like crazy and getting a headache, and fighting back massive tears. Not to mention I tried that stupid rubber band trick... where instead of cutting you put a rubber band on your wrist and pop it on your skin... I've successfully left whelps and these weird red dot things all over my wrist. Thanks.


And certain people status' on Facebook... I really wanna punch you in the face right now. Like seriously. If you were here, I would punch you in the face. You don't know what you're talking about, you stuck up little brat! YOU don't know ANYTHING!

NONE OF YOU KNOW ANYTHING!!!! I'm glad everyone hates me. That's right, who needs you stupid people anyway. You don't know me, you don't know anything! I don't need anyone!

GRRRRRR I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

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